Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Beautiful Story Of Changing the World

While visiting a young couple that has a ten year old son I asked about his work and what the father was doing to pursue his dream of getting back into the animation field, his first love of work. He said he had no time for his personal pursuit as he was raising his son now and providing income for the house and the upkeep of it with employment. Once he worked his salaried job 12-14 hours seven days a week sometimes what little time he had left was spent with teaching and playing with his son and being with his wife. He actually takes breaks during his shift to come home and have lunch with his wife and his son. They both work but tag team parent to be with their child always. No day care for their precious child. They understand they get ONE chance to raise this child, no do overs.

I told him I noticed he and his wife always scheduled work time around their son.  He said, "Yes, our son's care by us is the priority."

He told me this story, and said, "Stop me if you have heard it."

There was a father who was reading a newspaper and his son came to him and asked him to play but he was busy.  His father saw a world map in the newspaper and cut it out. Then he tore the map into individual pieces and gave it to his son. He told his son, "Go glue this map of the world back together and get no help from your mother. When you have finished bring the completed map to me, and we will play." The father thought this task would keep his son busy for an hour or more.

His son went to work immediately and brought the map back in a few minutes. His father said,"What is this? You did this map that fast? I told you not to get help from your mother, how did you do this?"

His son said,"Turn the map over Dad."

On the back of the map was a human face and it was easy to put the world map together with a human face on the back of it.

The moral of the story is, "How do you put the world back together?"
Answer, "One person at a time."

Spend time with your children today, answer their questions, play with them at home, and save the world of tomorrow. Work around their schedule of interests not your interest only. The children will be grown and gone from your house sooner than you know. Their interest while they are growing up is time with you, the parents. They need a father and a mother. They need you.

Happy New Year! 

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