Wednesday, January 15, 2020

"No Time Like NOW!"

The year was 2020, and she meant to take the plunge for decades but this year there was no reason not to. No more little people to take care of at the house, all the children were grown. No more tasks that had to be completed for her business, no sleep to be caught up on after a week of working overtime, no groceries to be bought and prepared for the meals ahead for herself or the family; her time was her own and she LOVED it! She said to herself, “Why Not?”

As she announced to her significant other,” I’m taking the plunge!” I don’t have a reason not to; a new century rarely happens in a lifetime, I’m going for it!

He said, “Then I’m coming with you.” 

Me. “You don’t need to. I’ll be fine but I’m going.”

Once there, I registered and my sweetheart and I went to breakfast at our favorite Lake George cafĂ©, we had discovered it the time we went up there “Glamping” on our anniversary. The breakfast was delicious and it was a time to reflect on our busy holiday with children gathered round.  After breakfast, we leisurely headed to the icy waters. When the word was given, I plunged!  It was refreshing, and it was cool but not as cold as I had hoped. Thirty-seven degrees was not too cold for a quick in and out if you are as hot-natured as me year-round.

The day was perfect. My Sweetheart was waiting on shore with a camera, towel, and robe, another check off the bucket list. We decided to drive outside the village to escape the crowds, we found a drive-through window at a nearby Starbucks and we each bought a specialty java and croissant for the ride home.  The ride home was full of laughter and thankfulness to be alive. We are enjoying a simple life doing simple things with my Sweetheart. There is no time like now and there will never be another January first, 2020.  Thankful to live here and now.

 Image result for polar bear tee shirt , 2020 lake george plunge