Friday, March 20, 2020

Better Choices Create a Different Life

Better choices create a different life.  We all deserve to live our best version of ourselves.  No one can make that difference for you but you.  What is bugging you? What can you do to make that bug go away? Do you need to ask forgiveness from someone you have wronged, or do you need to forgive someone that will never ask for it? If you forgive someone, it does not mean you have to stay in contact with them unless you want to, on YOUR terms. Do you have to change your attitude?

As I get older, it is easy to see that most of what happens to us is not as important as moving forward with vigilance to avoid that situation again.

Do you need to actively seek a better job? A better living arrangement? A new direction for your health? A new group of friends?  What do you need? Only you know this. The bottom line is you need a better relationship with YOURSELF first before success comes.

A person that makes the same mistake over and over is blind to the lesson because of an attitude of entitlement; i.e. "they" believe "they" don't make mistakes, Or arrogant pride tells them "THEY" do not have any responsibility for a situation gone wrong, (These people don't apologize either.) Now that I am aware of this tendency in all of us, I really consider the advice whenever someone offers advice to me now. My first goal for my life is, 'I want to be aware of my actions, open to change, and become the best version of myself while giving positive support to others.' 

Years ago I became exhausted blaming others because of closed doors of opportunity for me. I discovered this "victim" mentality shut tight, windows of change because I gave my power away to others to change me. Sadness and depression were becoming my perspective on life. I was so tired of being anxious, afraid and unsure of making the right decision, I had to change me. I had to step away from allowing others to dictate to me what I did with MY life. I had to find another way for me, it was a solitary road to travel with great rewards.

How far down is rock bottom for you? What has to happen for you to start taking responsibility for everything in your life?  What needs to happen for a better version of you to arise?  What will turn your eyes up, get your chin up, make you get up, stand up on your own two feet, and cause you to take your power back to change "YOU?"

Life is so much fun when you take responsibility for a plan for YOUR life. Don't know what to plan? One way is to read books, this worked for me. You have to get new information in your head before you find a way out of the confusion in it. Another way is to live life and see what inspires you. People have traveled this road before we were born and have left a trail of knowledge for us to find if we look.

You do not need to helplessly hit rock bottom while coasting along NOT taking control of YOU.

You have to make a plan for YOUR life and construct detailed steps to achieve it or you will get bored with the mundane life you live, especially when things go wrong, and things will go wrong. That's life.  This is your life, what do YOU want to do with it?  Life is so much fun when YOU decide to engage in living.

"Better choices speak louder than words, and outcomes determine what choices are better and what choices are not. You will make mistakes, learn from these, "Life lessons will be repeated until learned." Keep going, you were built to overcome adversity and succeed in your life.

Turn off the noise of the world and listen to your inner voice.

Better choices create a different life. You know you know one area you can improve, you talk about it to yourself often, so make a better choice, act on it every day, make no excuses and create that a different life one step at a time. If any of us can do this one thing, you can too. It takes a mind to decide and discipline to carry it out. Both of these can be developed.

Be thankful for your life today and everything good in it. Write a list of three hundred things today you are thankful for right now and walk outside. The sun gives so much to all of us just by rising every morning.  Can you be thankful for the sun?  Thankful for life. Stay safe and well.

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