Monday, July 27, 2020

Have you heard enough? We have, time to get RE-CENTERED

What can you control? What can you NOT control?

Practice 'letting go' of the things you cannot control and stop fretting about a future that you cannot predict. When you stop hitting the anger release button again and again anger WILL dissipate and makes room for new ideas. The extra stress of being out of control comes from putting your nose in someone else worries and drama. Mind your own business and make your own decisions.

If you are needed, you will be asked personally by those that need you to participate in a specific function. An opinion is like a nose everyone has one but not everyone's business needs your nose and opinion in it. Mind your beeswax and choose to not engage in the angry drama of every person around you. Walk away in silence, let people figure out their problems like we all have to in the end.

If there is a function you can perform this second to help another and you decide you have the time and desire from your heart to do it, then do it quickly and get back to your life.  If nothing can be done by you now, mind your own business, it is NOT your job alone to SAVE or change the world. Your job is to change you, heal your troubles, in your much smaller world, inside of you.

It is easier to change my attitude than to change the world outside of me. If change is to be it starts with me!

Did you know there are people who have no purpose outside of being angry, afraid, and combative at someone or something 24/7?  I know, I did not know until I lived longer than 40 years!  Before 40 I thought most people were like me, on a road of self-improvement. I actually thought most people wanted to face the truth about self and do the work to heal their emotional wounds, I was wrong!

This was a rude awakening to naive me. Now I know everyone is not on the road to inner or outer peace and to steer clear of such destructive people! If you can't steer clear immediately, bide your time and wait until you can escape being in the presence of them. Patience is a virtue and can be practiced daily by humans. Time will reveal your escape and when it arrives, have the confidence to take it. I did. It feels wonderful!

There are people that, without complaining, criticizing another, blaming others, would not know how to exist.  These have no purpose to live life on their own recognizance, so they tear down others that do have a purpose.  Maybe they are jealous? You can help yourself by not joining in their divisive corrupted talk.

Why would anyone choose this kind of thinking?  I can't say but I think it is insanity and CANNOT be explained by rational thinking individuals.  We have decided to not waste our valuable time trying to analyze such insanity anymore, let them go to the wayside, out of your way so you can live a wonderful life without them.

In time, if you seek them, you will find new friends that have your back.

Are you tired of being anxious and hateful yet? When you have had enough, you will learn to go inside, calm down and learn to be kind and compassionate to everyone but vigilant to defend your peaceful life by not participating in negative conversations anymore with anyone.

(My book will be finished soon and I reveal how I accomplished this, and the practices I do every day to maintain my inner peace, it may help you, you have to decide what is best for you. When the book is published I will announce it on this blog.)

Don't be a doormat for peace, be a monument of strength, and take action to protect your mind.

Be safe, stay home when you can, wear a mask when you go out just in case, take care of you no matter what the crazy confusing world reports, take care of you. Re-Center focuses on YOU. Thankful for your life, your life is a gift to the world. Enjoy your life, all will be well.
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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Science/Intelligence Without Wisdom Leads to Ultimate Destruction

I'd love to take credit for this "Food for thought title" but it was taught by Eckhart Tolle in an interview with Russell Brand, the comedian podcaster.

Wisdom ~ Noun

  • (uncountable) An element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise.
  • (countable) A piece of wise advice.
  • The discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good.
  • The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained.

  • The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding

  • ~Intellectuals and scientists are clever, we need them but what we need now is to balance these technologies/discoveries with empathy for all individuals on earth now. Empathy is rising to bring "Unity" to the people of the world, this generation is making it happen. That's a thought from me.~

    Thankful for the kindness that is exploding around the world today.

    Random Acts of Kindness | Madison Heights, MI