Monday, October 5, 2020

The Flaming Feminist Spoke

As I work at home now, I listen to podcasts of Supreme Court Justices speak about the Rule of Law and how they discuss, dissent, and move to a conclusion over cases that arrive in the highest court of our land. The Supreme Court has the final say when people respect the law. We do.

Justices Scalia, Ginsberg, Breyer, are very different in opinions yet they agree to disagree and remain respectful and even friends. So interesting to learn about this great U.S. Constitution foundation from these educated judges as well as how decisions are accomplished. There is room for evolution in our laws. The writers of the U.S. Constitution created avenues for change in the progress they knew would come.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg said in her day she was referred to as a "Flaming Feminist" because of her stance on women's equality. Women now have a voice in government since women won the right to vote in 1920. 

The Rule of Law is the foundation of civilization and economic prosperity. 

Thankful to be old enough to discover this: Uncontrolled emotions due to inexperience in life will lead you to angry outbursts. It is the way of youthful defiance, it is necessary to become an independent thinker. 

I use to be young, passionate and confused with anger.  I use to blame others until one day I decided to take control of myself. I began to look within me and discovered I could think for myself and discover the truth of most situations. I play a part in every injustice I hate. 

I trusted no one. I read every book on any subject I care about until I released my anger through my understanding. 

Understanding comes from educating yourself. 

If something does not make sense to you, keep reading until it does. The self-discipline to dig deeper until you have the answers takes tenacity.

Once I realized the origin of the problem, I could begin to discover a remedy. (We have a brain, we can think)

We don't need any more angry men or women as leaders of any movement. Anger leads to violence. 

Educate yourself, learn how to form a persuasive opinion without anger that will be considered and we will see you in court to peacefully settle things legally.

Composed men and women will welcome open debates on most any issue. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Anger has no place in persuading others to your point of view."

Thankful to live under a peaceful government now to get our freedom back. Vote.