Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Best of Life is Mine

You and you alone can give yourself the best in your present moment. 

Years ago I decided to save $300 every year to spend on my birthday with one caveat, it had to be spent on anything I loved but thought was a foolish waste of money. For example, I bought an expensive leather purse, lessons to do anything new I wanted to try from parachuting to embroidery classes, a designer pair of shoes, one outfit, (shoes not included), an expensive dinner for one, me, a piece of jewelry, one bottle of perfume, travel out of town to a live play, or one night in a five-star hotel. I got excited every time. At last, I could luxuriate in a whirlpool bath with the Epson salts I bought for $5 from a local department store. (BTW these Epson salt baths can cost $100 in a spa)  Sometimes I would stay in a $200 a night hotel and save $100 to order room service and enjoy that meal in a beautiful room while reading a book. My world was my oyster.

When I left home as a single woman working to support myself I had less money but I saved $60 for the gas to go to the beach every month for a weekend getaway from work. Sleeping in my car, and enjoying the walks on the beach was worth the trip. I always saved just enough money to treat myself to a $5 brunch on the boardwalk before heading home Sunday. My life was wonderful! It helps that I prefer being alone with my thoughts and a good book. 

If you plan throughout the year and save $5 there and $20 there you can save. Ways to save a little each day? One can make your coffee and lunch at home before you go to work.  Decide to limit your dinners out, limit how many times you go to the movies, etc, $300 can be easily saved when you plan.  $300 may not be much to you but to me it was extravagant! 

When you are brought up by depression-era parents/grandparents, they think spending money on anything 'not on sale' is wasteful. Some of these depression-era people worked hard and found a way to overcome the poverty mentality, others did not. But I decided as an adult to provide a few of these luxuries to myself no matter what my finances. In the process, I learned that taking care of yourself in every way builds confidence in you and your ability to survive in this world.

Now I am older and raised a family using my frugal mindset to give our family the best. My husband has done the same, we always gave our children more than we were given. It has been a joy. The best of life was given to them when we gave them two parents that truly loved them and stayed together through good times and bad with comfortable (sometimes uncomfortable) compromises to live as a family.

All these years later with many adventures and luxuries enjoyed with my Sweetheart, we slow down because we want to. So I thought I would share some ideas of simple luxuries that don't cost much that anyone can give to yourself if you are on a budget. First, make a plan to save.

1) If you like anything from a baseball glove to a silver cup, search for these at flea markets or antique stores and buy a cheap one. Restore it if need be but use it every day. This can bring a smile to your face every time you see it or use it. 

2) If you visit a museum and see an item you like but cannot afford to buy now or see anyone doing something you'd like to try, (skydiving) make a plan. Get creative and improvise a way to do it too?  For example, I rode by a castle, I saw the gardens and a table with chairs out on the lawn. I thought, "Would it not be wonderful to have a picnic out there?"  So I found a park, packed a picnic, and set out a card table and chair with a beautiful tablecloth (The tablecloth I had purchased at a consignment shop.) I added the silver-plated teacup, $3, and embroidered cloth napkin for $2, which I purchased at an antique store. I dined outdoors using these antique, but quality items as I ate a peanut butter sandwich on a beautiful lawn. If you close your eyes, you are at the castle.

3) Years later I visited inside that castle and truth be known it was not what was on the inside that was most beautiful to me but the land and views out the windows. We all can look out the window (That's free) if only we open our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us now.  It is a lovely planet we live upon.

You get the idea, now what can you give yourself right now that is the best of life? What smaller thing have you always wanted?  Hunt for it and be excited to find it. Buy an imitation of that item until you can buy the real item. Start out little and watch the bigger things come into your life because you make a plan and take action.  Life will change, it will get better. It always does if you keep going. Be patient, content, and grateful.

Today to make my life easier, I inserted three gold hooks on my chairside table to hold my glasses, my earphones, and my back scratcher. (This is where I sit daily to write.) These little changes will make my life easier. Ok, Ok, Ok, you caught me...the back scratcher was bought from the Thomas Jefferson museum gift shop and it definitely cost too much for a back scratcher but it makes me happy!  But hey, I deserve the best and so do you! Don't sweat the small stuff but enjoy these when you can!

Thankful to know we all deserve the best of life and can give it to ourselves if we only open our eyes, make an effort and get creative. We are grateful every day for everyone, however, we prefer positive attitudes with creative ideas that innovate and serve a purpose outside of ourselves to improve the world. Grateful, positive mindsets make all the difference in every life. To surround ourselves with people that maintain positive attitudes and grateful hearts in our inner circle of trust is our preference now. Life is short, we intend to enjoy the rest of it.

Kind, compassionate, grateful people replace the "things" we value most of all. It seems one has to be older and wiser to slow down and be thankful today. Everything is better than it was a hundred years ago. Slow down and think, you'll get excited and thankful too.