Monday, May 24, 2021

Every Experience in Your Life is Taking You to Your Destiny

As the years go by I am amazed at how many of my dreams as a child come true.  The gratefulness for life and my courage to move to get to the next mountain to climb to see what is over the other side has given me great joy. Some mountains took me to the next adventure and adventure after adventure lead me to find wonderful things I never knew existed. Along the way, I uncovered many latent talents within me and met wonderful people with great advice and positive attitudes.  

There are YouTube podcasters with successful podcasts I enjoy visiting to see these young people moving forward living their dream because they have a positive attitude and keep moving to the next adventure. Living life on their terms moving forward with another plan, another job, another direction, learning lessons about life every day, confident they can overcome any challenge that gets in the way.

If I could impart this one thing to anyone, I would give you the confidence to know, things will get better and you will find a way to live your dream if you keep searching, living, exploring another direction. If you have a job and you don't like it, then file that knowledge in your brain, and get another one, move on. If you are living somewhere you don't like, find another town and move. If you don't like your unimaginative friends, find new ones. Life is not about hiding from your troubles, it is about running to your dream. Your destiny is your decision. It is not about where you started, it's about where you end.

It really is that easy but you just have to find the confidence to change everything if you need to. For me, letting go of family drama on both sides of the family and setting personal boundaries were the first two steps. When a family supports your adventurous spirit it makes life easier to explore, if they don't you will need the courage to go on where they would not. In the end, as you get older, you can learn, things will work out if you don't get scared and give up. This generation is amazing to me, they are courageous and kind.

Families may even come together after all those years if you remain true to your course and let them go. Families are wonderful. After all the core goodness of who you are, came from those good folks. You found you needed to find your life separate from theirs but you always forgive and love them.  When families unite it is meant to be, if not accept and move on.  Life is wonderful if you have the courage to live it on your terms without malice.

Thankful for my life and the people in it every day.