Monday, August 16, 2021

How to Be Powerfully Dangerous!

 If you can learn to write your thoughts in grammatically correct sentences, then you can think. If you can think, you can control your thoughts. Turn off radio, TV, iPhones, media and see what comes to mind. Can you think outside of what you see, touch, feel, or taste?

If not, create space in your mind to think independent thoughts? How? Learn to meditate with silence. Once you make space through meditative silence, YOUR thoughts will appear.

Once you can articulate your thoughts in words on paper, you can state your case. Once you can think things through to make YOUR case, you can listen and counterpoint. Read, research, write, and speak to be powerful. You are not easily misled when you know the facts of your research.

To be dangerous, truly dangerous, and powerful simultaneously, take the time to learn to write YOUR thoughts. Did you know most people can’t do this? Most people do not know what they think unless they are told. Be bold, be brave, be different, dare to think outside the box, and write your thoughts.

If you can read, you are ahead of the game, and if you can write your thoughts, you are the winner.