Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Every Question You Have Has An Answer

Where you go to get the answer depends on who thinks for you.

Once you think for yourself regardless of outside influences, you will research many sources and take notes to see the bigger picture. Do you take the time to listen and read multiple sources even if you think you disagree at first glance?  Do you accept the easy answer so you can tuck that question away and get back to your regular programming?

When anyone disagrees with you, do you want to MAKE them do as you dictate, or do you embrace diversity and independent thinking? Your answer to this question reveals your hunger for power over everyone.

My life has many questions, and I do not have the time to research all my questions, so I focus on the things that concern me personally. When a question affects me deeply, I examine closer until I get to the bottom of my confusion. I find this rarely involves anyone's opinion; the research will influence my decision. To live with such continual negativity under the surface of my conscious mind of anger is emotionally exhausting.  This inability to admit "I could be wrong" creates a hostile attitude towards opposing opinions. I used to be afraid to admit I was wrong, not so much anymore. I know better. I do not want to be the fool in the room that thinks "I know it all."

"Ignorance is NOT bliss!" Ignorance is a pandora's box of weapons to be deceptively used against the unaware when specific forces of power are in play.

To make the questions dissipate, if I go to the regular programming, the familiar, I don't have to take action. Most people placate these confused feelings with any defense, such as arguing, silent obedience, exercise, food, alcohol, drugs, violence, spending money, etc.  Any of these are more accessible than seeking an answer that may require me to change.

And if I have academic or material wealth, I may tell myself "I" don't need to change. THE uneducated  do!"  My academic degrees and peers with wealth agree I'm right! I'll MAKE EVERYONE ELSE CHANGE to suit my answers. After all, it is for their own good. Now I can eliminate any debate to my authoritarian thinking by manipulating monetary influence, forcing "others" to obey me! 

Except... "the others" have questions.

Money and power to influence laws and confuse people with convoluted rhetoric will not work long term for freedom thinking people worldwide, like me. We all have intelligence, and we are free to think. It costs nothing to use the intelligence you are born with.

Individual independent ability to think can only be eroded little by little when we fear speaking up to question anyone. When we give up and give in, we allow others to control our lives. If we disagree inside but do as told outside, we go back to our regular programming.  How to respond positively takes quiet contemplation before action. 

To live free is a responsibility to have all information available to decide the decisions we make. We can take a chance and let others think and answer for us, and we might be OK for a while if we are lucky. However 'My" life is not yours to rule; it is mine.

And, if I choose to investigate any issue myself, it costs you nothing; it costs me, my time. Can I do that? Yes.   

I can honestly tell you some answers I sought took decades for me to find the truth of it, but if we are willing to question and stick to it, the puzzle pieces eventually come together. You will say, "I see the answer now. What took me so long?"  Ignorance of how the world works is a big one.

Sometimes "I" was wrong. I had to change or remain angry for no reason. I found I was programmed not to question authority figures as a child, especially male authority figures. Then, as an adult, I began to read books and experience life. I found that society has programmed me to believe things that are not true. It was not until I stepped away from traditional expectations that I trained myself to be free to think differently. 

I do this through daily personal research of every topic that interests me.

Therefore, for those who prefer knowing the truth that brings clarity of thought to have confidence and peace of mind, we must be brave enough to ask the right questions to clarify the confusion and remain stubborn enough to educate ourselves through research until we have the answers we seek.

I am grateful to now have the patience to listen calmly to others and then research to answer my questions. It will be harder for anyone to lead you down a primrose path that benefits them more than you when you learn to think for yourself. 

It is a beautiful thing to be alive, enjoy your life. Your ability to think is legal.