Saturday, December 31, 2022

We Are the Inner Workings of a Great Timepiece of Brain Evolution

The inner workings of a fine watch determine the accuracy of the time it keeps.

The mechanics of a watch start with a crown, and manual movements must be wound every day to work correctly.

The crown winds up a coil spring, causing it to store energy, and it is wound until you feel a slight resistance. Too much, you break it, just enough it continues to keep time regularly.

The energy, when released, moves into a series of small gears to the balance wheel. The balance wheel oscillates in a circular motion to make the hands on the clock move according to the meter of the balance wheel.

This constant movement creates friction between the metal gears. Synthetic jewel bearings reduce friction and improve the performance and accuracy of the timepiece.

To adjust the time, pull out the crown and rotate it clockwise. And to avoid undue wear and tear of the mechanical components, try not to turn the crown spring counterclockwise more than necessary.

The mechanics of thought start with an idea, and the movement must be repeated daily to convince the mind.

The crown of any idea winds up a spring of actions to gain momentum until independent critical thinking skills discover resistance. Too much opposition to an argument will break it. Enough compliance will keep the vision alive.

The questions and research to find informed answers are born of experience living life. Experiences move the tiny gears of every mind that thinks. 

A fine watch is repaired, and a cheap one is thrown away. The price one pays for such a timepiece determines the direction of its fate. Thoughts are the same; how much time did we put into believing this one thing? Are we willing to change our thinking if it no longer proves true?

The world is in flux of many things this year, and we have to THINK of new ideas that fit this timepiece of evolution in beliefs. Thoughts that no longer serve to improve humanity and the world must be revised, replaced, repaired, or removed. Old ideas need to be fazed out as these have served the purpose for which these were created and are no longer required. 

"We, the people of the world, become the great timepiece of "peaceful" evolution to restore a balance wheel of collaborative thoughts that unite us through freedom. We form the crown of our beliefs individually, and in a ripple effect collectively, we become the great timepiece of evolution. If peace is to be, it starts with me.

It's going to be a great year! Happy New Year 2023! Significant changes are arising in evolution.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Eleven Lovely Things

1) Driving a SPYDER with the breeze on your face

2) Learning a calm mind can heal the body

3) Seeing answers to questions not asked

4) Realizing you were right without speaking

5) Stepping away from conventional thinking to peaceful knowing

6) Putting attention on positive outcomes with laser focus

7) Relaxing with an accurate history book and a cup of tea 

8) Sitting in an insect-free gazebo enjoying fresh air and nature

9) Envisioning a great  future with a plan

10) Grateful for family and friends

11) Grateful for every moment of this life, knowing to be alive is a gift.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Wild Thing I Know I Love YOU

Wild thing is not violent.

Wild thing is free to fly.

Wild thing is adventurous.

Wild thing is in love with life.

Wild thing is a seeker of the truth.

Wild thing is a reader of books.

Wild thing is free to write.

Wild thing is free to speak.

Wild thing is thoughtful and kind.

Wild thing chooses peace every time.

Wild thing is a victor in life.

Wild thing does not need to be bridled

Because wild thing knows how to think for itself

Wild thing I know I love you.

Friday, August 26, 2022

The PHOENIX Rising is YOU

 Out of the ashes of defeat, a new breath of fresh air is created.

With wings of wonder and strength, people reunite their vision of what could be.

Together with unity of purpose and courage rediscovered we rise again and again.

Humans are remarkable creatures of open hearts and open minds with intelligence.

Kindness and compassion for all life on earth is the hallmark of the collective.

Watch and wait, the Phoenix rising NOW is YOU.

Thankful for each of us every day, because of us there is hope.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

WE Are The Change The World Needs Now

Everything we experience, every action we take, always comes back to what we think and who we have chosen to have in our immediate sphere of influence. We choose our life every day.  We evaluate situations and attach our perspective to the outcome based on our thinking.  Are we operating from a negative or positive analysis?  Where did we learn our viewpoint? Where is our attention? What concerns us most?

It is my experience that once you know yourself and are confident of your purpose in life, you can set healthy boundaries and give others the benefit of the doubt. The need to control others evaporates, and the need to be the center of attention dissolves. Answers arise from our collaborations, and change happens.

How much influence do you have to change anything you do not like starts with changing you and then taking action to speak out.

Everything outside of you is NOT your business; if you try to CONTROL others, you will lose every time. No one likes to be controlled by another; indeed, when you are operating from a solid positive foundation of caring, there is no need to control anyone but yourself. So when YOU know you can land on your feet come what may, you are empowered to speak and consider other opinions. We can individually take responsibility for our focus; therefore, collectively, it will work.

The greatest gift you will ever give yourself is to be in control of your feelings, actions, and thoughts. Anger and sympathy (aka victimhood & toxic caring) do not benefit anyone. When you gain control of your emotions, you will give others the same leeway to control themselves.  

When actions are free from guilt or shame, helping others becomes beneficial for everyone. There is a difference in caring actions, and the outcome is evident. The greatest gift you can give the world is your idea with positive boundaries and an open mind.

Today there is an overload of excuses for destructive behaviors without subduing the actions of the persons causing harm to others. If ever there was a time to speak out for health regulations and unity with peace for all, it is now.

Learning to think for yourself is the key. Every change begins with a thought, your thought. 

We are the positive change the world needs now, thankful for you and me unafraid.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

My Mother and I

 My Mother and I are different

Old values fade away with new

What was unacceptable in her generation

Today is the acceptable view.


The way we think and things we do

The habits we create

Today I live in such a way

My Mother cannot relate.


My lack of bras and girdles

My lack of monthly perms

This daughter evolved long past those

Confines, I don’t need to be that firm.


She wore no make-up, but I love it so

I live with outline pencil in hand

To draw eyebrows, lip-line, eye-line

To look young again you understand.


Years go by and I become a mother

And the daily routine begins

Sleepless nights, long days

Caring for the babies every day.


As my Mother dear, I was always near,

To begin a day of love

Clean their face, soothe their tears

Sing, dance, while I made meals.


Today they are grown and we witness

The seeds sown in early years

When I wiped their tears

And assured them things will get better.


A thankful heart and positive attitude

Will take us all much further

No matter where they go

They will always know

Like "her" I did my best as their “Mother.”

                                  Mary Stevens Newton

                                  ~The Quail Writer~



Friday, April 22, 2022

Objective Reality

                                             I see a side of a situation; this is my perspective.

You see another side; that is your perspective.

TOGETHER we see the facts that lead to the truth.

Anything we take a double-take to re-examine, be it a shadow along a walk or a directive from another, is because we don’t feel entirely comfortable with whatever we hear or see.

Wisdom has taught until we get an answer we are comfortable with, do not take action.

It is not wise to do anything out of fear or ignorance.

First, we gather as much information as necessary to bring clarity, and then we can move forward.

We have the ability to think critically, and we dare to do this when we ask

questions to get above the drama of life.

We will get the answers as we patiently seek.

The answers will arise from within our consciousness. We, humans, are built like that. We are great.

We can enjoy our peaceful life together.



Thursday, March 17, 2022

"Time To Molt"

 A molting crayfish has to shed the exoskeleton to make room for a bigger body, or it will die.

“Actually, it would be no exaggeration to say that molting is the most stressful and important time in a crayfish’s life. This is the time when they are the most vulnerable and are prone to die.” ~ article by Michael

Animals survive by instinctive behaviors; humans survive with higher intelligence.

After what the world has had to endure the last three years due to negative mental pressure pushed continually from outside influences to subjugate us through confusion, it is time for us to molt. Let’s agree to shed the old confusion and embrace a bigger understanding of the media world and how it can subliminally influence unsuspecting minds.

My advice: Reduce TV, social media, and Netflix viewing.

We may be vulnerable and stressed a short time while sorting things out, but if we focus on reality and take care of ourselves, all will be well on the other side of this chaos.

Humans are amazingly resilient like this: nature made us this way.

If nature creates crayfish to molt and heal without thinking; why wouldn't nature help us with higher intellect to think and restore clarity of mind? 

Ask any crayfish. It feels good to shed the old and grow into the new.

(I know you say Molting Crayfish? What is the Quail Writer thinking? What can I say? I love wildlife and nature videos; today, the beautiful blue exoskeleton molting was so exciting to see. I had to share it with you. There's a connection in there somewhere. Wink, wink.)

Look how cool is this?

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Elected President Of My Life

Freedom to think for myself does not include you. Freedom to think for me does not mean I have the right to deceive you, control you, harm you, or influence you to follow my lead. We can disagree about almost everything, and we can each choose to follow our chosen path. What I know from living over half a century is that the majority of everyday people are kind and good and have no need to deceive anyone.

We can learn to know those that deceive and cause harm to others by the results of their actions/decisions. It takes years of living and interactions with others to learn this. If these individuals are in governing positions, including families, and these speak negatively constantly, these individuals need to be removed from their place of influence in our minds. 

Peaceful co-existence concerning diversity is a more profound commitment than surface disagreements. Co-existence is the calm acceptance of social differences in every community. Kind people worldwide like to help one another every day.

In the self-discovery of my love for the people of the world, I first had to love myself. Negative judgments about me, whether spoken by you or "thought silently" by me, cause fear and anger. When I stopped judging myself as "perfect," I stopped believing others are "imperfect." I learn to listen to different opinions and compromise on living with others in peace. No violence is needed.

If I am to think for myself, I have to decide what I think, which takes time. Time to listen to opposing views and assimilate the facts with MY logic and reason clarifies my mind. Another opinion cannot easily persuade self-confidence. Will I change a viewpoint once proven incorrect? Yes, if I see the facts, these facts agree with my accumulated knowledge. 

What a relief to know I am NOT perfect, and no one can be. What a relief to know I do not need to be afraid once I have confidence in my ability to make sound decisions.

Knowledge-based facts have eliminated much anger in me. I have found I can scare myself to death through my fantastic negative stories that are not valid.  

If our children are to learn "How to THINK" instead of "What to think," we, the parents, have to be on the front line of teaching them to question everything and discuss their concerns at home with us. Parents are the people that are supposed to love and protect us most. If you were not taught this at home, you would have to prepare yourself for these skills. So I had to teach myself as an adult. 

Now, this is scary to have to learn these necessary lessons out in a world that does not have my best interest at heart. We enter the school of hard knocks. Life lessons will be repeated until learned. I write to hopefully help younger people find their own answers in this confusing world. Teaching HOW to think, NOT to be told WHAT to think, is more important to know.

The more you know about a subject, the more you know when to question opposing views. Question everything and do your research to find the truth through facts. If someone tells you something and you feel confused, don't do it. Instead, slow down research through multiple sources, including but not exclusively  "Google" and "Wiki." Remember, anything digital can be easily manipulated. (Snopes and Wikipedia have proven to be compromised.) Who is tampering with this, and why? Someone is trying to influence your mind and opinion to cause you to think WHAT THEY want you to consider. I read books and listen to others to formulate my beliefs.

We have free will to think; that is one thing we always control. So we need to dig deeper to discover for ourselves what WE believe.

Experienced minds gather wisdom and know personal research finds the truth. When you do find facts, your answers will help you have the confidence to choose wisely. You can breathe a sigh of relief. Calm will come to your senses. Now you can move forward with confidence that today you made the best-informed decision for your life. 

Whatever you choose, allow others to do their research and choose their path without your fear of them being wrong.

We can choose to stop listening to negative fear-mongering stories from media, family, and friends. WE can love without being loved when we have knowledge and confidence.

If we choose to control our emotions with facts, we become the elected president of our life.

WE win.