Friday, April 22, 2022

Objective Reality

                                             I see a side of a situation; this is my perspective.

You see another side; that is your perspective.

TOGETHER we see the facts that lead to the truth.

Anything we take a double-take to re-examine, be it a shadow along a walk or a directive from another, is because we don’t feel entirely comfortable with whatever we hear or see.

Wisdom has taught until we get an answer we are comfortable with, do not take action.

It is not wise to do anything out of fear or ignorance.

First, we gather as much information as necessary to bring clarity, and then we can move forward.

We have the ability to think critically, and we dare to do this when we ask

questions to get above the drama of life.

We will get the answers as we patiently seek.

The answers will arise from within our consciousness. We, humans, are built like that. We are great.

We can enjoy our peaceful life together.