Thursday, July 14, 2022

WE Are The Change The World Needs Now

Everything we experience, every action we take, always comes back to what we think and who we have chosen to have in our immediate sphere of influence. We choose our life every day.  We evaluate situations and attach our perspective to the outcome based on our thinking.  Are we operating from a negative or positive analysis?  Where did we learn our viewpoint? Where is our attention? What concerns us most?

It is my experience that once you know yourself and are confident of your purpose in life, you can set healthy boundaries and give others the benefit of the doubt. The need to control others evaporates, and the need to be the center of attention dissolves. Answers arise from our collaborations, and change happens.

How much influence do you have to change anything you do not like starts with changing you and then taking action to speak out.

Everything outside of you is NOT your business; if you try to CONTROL others, you will lose every time. No one likes to be controlled by another; indeed, when you are operating from a solid positive foundation of caring, there is no need to control anyone but yourself. So when YOU know you can land on your feet come what may, you are empowered to speak and consider other opinions. We can individually take responsibility for our focus; therefore, collectively, it will work.

The greatest gift you will ever give yourself is to be in control of your feelings, actions, and thoughts. Anger and sympathy (aka victimhood & toxic caring) do not benefit anyone. When you gain control of your emotions, you will give others the same leeway to control themselves.  

When actions are free from guilt or shame, helping others becomes beneficial for everyone. There is a difference in caring actions, and the outcome is evident. The greatest gift you can give the world is your idea with positive boundaries and an open mind.

Today there is an overload of excuses for destructive behaviors without subduing the actions of the persons causing harm to others. If ever there was a time to speak out for health regulations and unity with peace for all, it is now.

Learning to think for yourself is the key. Every change begins with a thought, your thought. 

We are the positive change the world needs now, thankful for you and me unafraid.