Monday, January 30, 2023

A Freediver Can Hold A Breath 24 Minutes

In “Freediving,” the diver must practice for years to hold a breath this long. Aleix Sugura Vendrell of Spain took up the sport from his mother, another freediving champion. The beauty of the ocean and the depths that these athletes can dive has broken previous conceptions of what can be done by the human body.  

Freedivers, he says, have always defied limits, defied scientific understanding. In the 1940s, researchers believed the pressure 100 feet below sea level would rupture a diver's lungs. Today, freedivers routinely plunge unassisted to depths in excess of 300 feet. "We always think we've reached the limit," Segura says. "But we're always wrong."

On 27 March 2021, Budimir Ĺ obat (Croatia) broke the record for the longest time breath held voluntarily (male) with a staggering time of 24 minutes 37.36 seconds. 

"While I am doing my maximum static apnea I have my eyes closed and all I am focused on is to try to hear my heartbeat. Once I heard it I became calm and ready to fight the time." "In fact, my age gave me a benefit of experience to stay calm at the critical moments.

His top three tips are:

  1. Never skip the training.
  2. It's better to be over trained then out of shape. 
  3. Don’t just do it. Do it right no matter what.


“Freediving is first of all a mental sport. If you can be stronger than your mind, you will succeed.”


Freediving alone is extremely dangerous, which is why you must always dive with a buddy. While freediving is a sport anyone can learn, the only safe way to do so is through an in-person course.


I’m starting to see a pattern in every aspect of life, focus, train, do it right, do it every day, and breathe. We become a champion of living a calmer, stress-free life. Skip trying to find motivation and decide to do it for you. You can practice breathing calmly anywhere. Six breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, easy. Again, whenever feeling anxious, breathe six breaths. Easy, yes, I practice this too.


This year we can focus on our heartbeat, close our eyes, slow down each day for 24 minutes or more sounds good, and just breathe. Relax. Life is fun; focus on positive experiences, turn off technology and walk outside. We have control over what we focus on and how we choose to perceive. We always have this ability; we can choose to focus on positives, be calm and make it a practice. I suggest find a meditation and exercise daily for the health of your mind. You are worth the time, and it does not cost a dime.


Everything is a mental sport.

Enjoy your life in case it is the only one you have.