Thursday, October 12, 2023

A Mother and Father's Love for Their Child

Mothers and fathers devoted to one another and their love for their children are some of the most amazing stories I have heard. Parents surmounting impossible odds to cure illnesses that medicine could not diagnose or cure are more frequent than we know. Recently, I heard another story and felt the readers would enjoy it, too.

There is a deli I frequent when I see my chiropractor in a nearby country town. Out in the boondocks, I found this beautiful restaurant quite by accident, cruising down the road on my Spyder Cam Am motorcycle. The food is healthy, homemade, and delicious. I have gotten to know the good folks that make and serve the food there. The lady and her husband who waited on me told me this amazing story. The deli is huge and beautifully decorated with murals of colorful animals that are perfectly painted on the wall with furniture table of actual tree trunks. It is relaxing and calm. I am often one of a handful of people there on weekdays. As always, my pleasure is to get to know new friends. 

Her story is miraculous. She told me that she was very careful with her life and waited to marry until she was thirty-eight years old. She had known her husband-to-be for many years and knew him to be true. She watched couples and learned what she wanted in a husband and family man. She and he wanted a child, and after marrying the man of her dreams, she had a son the following year. The son is the light of her and her husband's life together.  The son was loved beyond measure. 

When the son was around five years old, he collapsed on the floor without notice. He could not walk. They rushed him to the emergency room, the doctors took him in and began tests on him. It was decided the child needed an emergency blood transfusion, and with trust in the medical community of expert doctors, they reluctantly agreed. A blood transfusion on such a young child was frightening to think about, but they had to save their son. The doctors wanted to keep the child in the hospital because they did not know what caused this condition and required more tests. His parents agreed and never left his side night or day.

Over the course of the child's stay, he was given another blood transfusion, but still no diagnosis. The boy regained consciousness and strength; he could walk and eat but was weak. He wanted to go home and begged his parents daily to take him out of the hospital. He did not like the 'blue food' he was served. (Jello)  

The doctors refused to consider releasing him. The parents prayed and asked God for guidance. The decision came when it was clear after two weeks, the doctors did not know what was the cause, and the end of a hospital stay was unknown. The child was extremely unhappy. With no exit date in sight and more tests with no definitive results, the hospital food was clearly unhealthy, the parents turned to their faith to make the decision. The answer was in God when medicine failed to diagnose. The family believed the human body can heal itself if given naturopathic remedies.

They began the process of making arrangements to check their son out of the hospital. The hospital fought the parents and told them their son would die without hospital intervention measures.

The two devoted parents insisted and, at one point, thought they would need a lawyer with so much resistance from the hospital staff. But prevailed after much legal paperwork was signed from the hospital. It was unbelievable that a medical institution was trying to override the parents, but it is understandable in a world dominated by secular analysis. I have heard many stories of natural remedies and faith that cured a terminal illness, that I no longer doubt it can be done.

The mother would not accept that her child would die; the thought was completely rejected whenever it was suggested to her. She completely steeled her mind from considering her son would die.

She told me her reason was, "God knows that I waited so long to marry and have a child. God would not take this child from me." She and her husband took their beloved son home. He was happy at home. The doctors had done their best; it was time for faith to do the rest.

Mother, father, and son prayed every morning and evening and spoke positive words of life.

The child grew stronger over the next weeks, and he recovered. They do not know what caused the collapse and the need for a blood transfusion, but they remember the near-death experience that almost took their child from them. Today, the son is a teenager, and they all have an appreciation of life celebrated daily by this family.

I met their son. He has a gift for writing poetry and playing multiple musical instruments. Fourteen years old, he and his mother met us one day when the restaurant was closed. We had herbal tea with the three of them. Mother, father, and son. He played his guitar, and she sang. His father gave me a book, and the mother served tea and cookies. I brought my dear husband (A musician himself) that day, and he taught the son a few things about the guitar. We have new friends.

Faith. The absence of fear. Love the opposite of fear. Good people of faith live the good life of unconditional love worldwide daily. Good always wins; faith is the key.

You are the light of the world. We are the light of the world; faith wins. Fear not; we got this.