Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2024 Change Channels!

Zoom out to negative frequencies of gloom and doom, and quickly ZOOM within to positive perspectives of joy.

The positive perspectives are two hundred times more powerful when you stay in your positive vibration.

Zoom out to listen or see acts of violence, and quickly Zoom within to change the channel.

We cannot change the world, but we can change our focus. 

It is our channel we can control, not the world's channel.

Fear enters through negative outcomes seen in outside channels. Relief from fear enters when we turn away from it, changing our focus channel and listening to prosperity and the future we build.

Every year is getting better than the last. Look back two hundred years and three hundred years, see the progress and the comfort we all share today thanks to progress.

Time moves forward. Good things come to those who move forward. We are moving forward; things are improving because transparency and truth unite us.

Technology enables us all to be wiser and connected in fearless devotion to one another.

It is the most exciting time to be alive. How fortunate we are to be here to be a part of the greatest transition to peace worldwide that has ever been offered to humanity. We are part of this peace.

Happy New Year for the year of positive changes. Change the channel and see what wonders this year holds for all of us. 

Thankful for us who love humanity and the earth more than money. Love wins, we win.