The past year has been a whirlwind of unexpected losses and challenges. I have discovered in my elder years that we can never know why some things happen, and we need not worry our heads with extra stress to analyze things out of our control. Judgmental thoughts, angry non-stop thoughts, and punishing “how to fix others” conniving fear thoughts waste precious time on this Earth with family.
Our time would be better spent focusing on our internal
gifts and how to share these with others. We are gifted, and if we look inside to
find what motivates us to have fun, we find that gift.
Years ago, I heard a wise saying, “Find something you love to
do and find a way to get paid doing it.”
I discovered that you first have to find that love of
self and forgive yourself for not being kind to you. When you do,
you can learn to speak well of others and forgive them too. When we share our best
selves, it will be that gift we give to the world. Some may like it, and others
may not. That is expected. Everyone does not need to like or accept us. If
someone doesn’t want your gift, move on to find other friends. A few billion
people are on the planet, and I bet a few will welcome you and your unique gift.
Once we know who we are and our birthright to be gentle and
kind, we will not be so easily seduced to fade into the mentality of destructive
behaviors. We must mind our business and let others mind theirs. Their journey is not ours to travel. Diversity unites us.
The elders who have successfully navigated these dangerous waters in times of toxic influencers must give the younger generation the tools to get back on track, stay focused, and serve others with kindness and compassion. Fear is a debilitating invisible control tactic; do not fall victim to it.
Thank goodness I have a wonderful life and family. I love my
simple life. I bet I’d love you, too.
And about the so-called” Aliens in the sky…” I don’t know; I
do know that open minds and hearts need no weapons.
The best response is to remain free and calm, focus away from
toxic influencers who want to instill fear in you, and say aloud, “I don’t know,
and I don’t care.”
Happy Holidays!