Saturday, March 8, 2025

Women for Self-Sovereignty Every Month

Women worldwide create new roads of progress every generation.

One hundred years ago, a group of brave nature-loving women began Australia Melbourne’s Women’s Walking Club in 1921. Women bushwalking was forbidden, but they organized and agitated. Women had to endure male prejudice for not “knowing their place” in the home tending house.

Views of church leaders had this to say:

Archbishop Dr. Duhig vehemently condemned it! “The sight of women donning male’s garments is absolutely nauseating! It is most objectionable!”

Rev H. M. Wheller of the Methodist Church content himself with saying anything that breaks down the sanctity of the Lord’s Day, such as “Sunday Hiking” is not in the best interest of the community.

A visiting Jewish Rabbi commends the movement. The Melbourne Walking Club is alive today.

Indeed, women, when united, achieve great things. Today, in America, women have had the vote for one hundred years; in 1920, it was law. When women get involved, progress evolves.

We’ve come a long way; today, US men support women’s self-sovereignty. Indeed, it is an exciting time to be alive. We are grateful every day for every good thing in our lives.

Enjoy “Women’s History Month,” and remember to list the women in your life that made it great. There is much to be thankful for.  Perhaps take a walk in nature and breathe. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The pH of Change

 The pH scale in medical science measures how acidic or alkaline basic something is. The pH of blood is 7.35 acidic to 7.45 alkaline. The blood is slightly more alkaline naturally. I used to think the body controlled the mind, and I had no control over my body. But I've discovered there are things I can do to heal my body. For instance, by reading books about maintaining good health, I found that lack of sleep and too many stressful thoughts can decrease the body's ability to balance the blood pH, making our bodies sick. Commonsense is to get more sleep, but what can I do about stressful thoughts? How do I heal those?

Then, I began to read books about maintaining mental calmness. Surprisingly, I proved that my mind is powerful; when I change my thoughts, I change my stress level. Our blood has to get the pH back into alignment to get well. What could I do to reduce stress?

When I was young and inexperienced in navigating life's challenges, I had many triggers. I looked at the prevailing current events and people telling me where to focus and judge. I allowed that information to tell me whether I was peaceful today or mad as hell. Then, I grew older and wiser. I stopped looking outside of me and trained myself to slow down, breathe, drink water, and walk in nature to turn off the world's noise.

This calmness helped me through the other side of fear and see the fear was worse than what happened. My fearful thoughts are dangerous for my health! Transparency no longer scared me but removed the fear of the unknown from me. When I understand stuff, I let go of fear. I love to research everything I fear, which results in confidence in ME and lowered stress. Bonus!

 Your life is a gift to the world. Enjoy it; life is short, so find happiness in every inch. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Happy Moment! Happy New Year!

Here's what I've learned about New Year's resolutions: do not make promises to yourself that can fail.

Failure leads to guilt for letting yourself down. We need no more guilt, consciousness, or shame in this world. We have enough to forgive ourselves for. I am done with more guilt or shame!

This ridiculous digitalized world has captured the youth's attention and confused them into no longer recognizing common sense. Do these innocent lambs believe whatever they are TOLD to believe—ashamed of our color? Or guilt about gender? And now I am TOLD someone is telling them to take on the guilt and shame of the PAST mistakes of another generation of dead people! It appears to be working…

No thanks, I'm out! I'm too old and WISE to play that stupid game of hateful blame shame anymore.

Get outta here with such nonsense. None of us can change the past, common sense, but we can change the future for OURSELVES. Not others, but our individual future, common sense.

I thank common sense that I don't need to carry my phone everywhere and question my biology. I feel for those that do. I like a break from the madness of the world. I often sit by the river and stare at nature. What beautiful ice and snow! I'm thankful to have eyes and to make time to see nature. I'm grateful for this life.

It's time to take your mind back. Change your focus and go inside to relieve yourself from the pressure of social ideology and the constant need to perform work in this world to prove you are worthy to be here. Your answers are there when you are not operating out of guilt and shame. Fear has two sides: selfless and selfish. The balance is in between. You find yours, and I'll find mine. No violence is needed to do this.

So this New Year's Resolution is one that we can't fail; in fact, we can celebrate it moment by moment…

Set yourself up to win. Whatever you choose to believe as your perspective, stay focused on that. I suggest "avoiding things you can't control and staying focused on your life. Turn off anything that makes you afraid to explore and focus on things you can, your life, and your choices.

After sixty years, I have learned that I control nothing and no one. I've learned the actual war is inside m my head. Where is your battle? Out there or inside your head? Your perspective changes your world. It takes you from victim to victor. We all need boundaries to be safe from harm. We need safe perspectives that turn us into victorious winners.  We need to retain calmness to think of creative ideas to solve problems.

I love ordinary people worldwide; they are so generous and kind, especially in times of catastrophe, offering help to one another when governments do not.

How can we avoid getting into a physical war of words? Live moment by moment, stay in your business and out of others. "How can I help?" AND "I thank you for helping" are great words of peace.

Diversity unites us worldwide. Happy New Year!