Friday, May 17, 2019

Here's How You Know What a "True" Friend Looks Like

So many people I meet tell me about their friends and when I hear the bad things these "Friends" say and do to them I think this person does not know the definition of friend. Some adult children say they are best friends with parents that are not their friend.  How do you know the difference?

When you are friends with a "true" friend:

1) You can tell them bad news and they will not tell you why you are so stupid it happened to you.  Or ask you what's wrong with you? Or why do you get into these situations? When will you grow up? Why can't you do better? Or they may launch into how something worse happened to them once and derail the entire conversation.

You can actually tell a "true" friend bad news and they will listen.

2) You can tell them good news and they will help you celebrate instead of telling you something good that happened to them years ago or worse tell you, they know another person who did way better than you.  Go away from that person, this is not your friend. Family members can be like this. When family is like this you don't want to share your good accomplishments, you may be afraid to tell them because you know they may feel bad about themselves when they compare themselves to your success, or find a way to belittle your accomplishment.  This is not a healthy environment, stay away.

You actually cannot wait to tell your "true" friend because that friend will suggest a celebration party even if it is only the two of you and then actually celebrate with a date on the calendar!

Pick true friends that celebrate your discoveries, your growth, your successes, your dreams.  You do not want to be around people that are sitting in misery and can only be with you if they can bring you down to their level of "no responsibility" to make their lives better.  Victim personality will settle for a life they claim they did not choose but reality is they choose that life every day they don't make a plan to change it. Don't fall for the lie "they can't change their life," yes they can. But remember it is NOT your responsibility to change it for them!  You can't! You can only change YOUR life and friends. Choose new ones now you know the basic truths of what a true friend is, move away from negative ninnies even if you are related to them.

Get on with your good self and living the good life, even if you have to go it alone for a while. Tie a knot and hold on, never give up! You will find true friends, they are NOT a dime a dozen. To find one you first have to know how to define what a true friend is.

You are deserving of a wonderful group of people to discover new things with, discuss new ideas with and try to make life better for you. In turn you will be a part of them making their life better. If your family, your parent(s) cannot support your efforts to be better and do more, love them as you move on without their approval.

Thankful to have found a handful of these true friends that I love, thankful to have married my BFF.  Thankful to have three wonderful friends in our "adult children" and now with their fantastic mates. Wow, I have more than I ever dreamed I could. Life is good. You can make your life good too. 😉

Every successful person knows this, it is not a secret. Surround yourself with positive supportive friends. Now that you know one part of the success formula, get on with your dream.

Image result for supportive friends

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