Tuesday, September 24, 2019

You Don't Have the Right

People love to rescue people with answers to their personal problems.  Every speaker every book has an answer that works. And of course their heart is in the right place they are trying to help other people. That's good right? We all should help others, that's the goal right? If we can't help others we should give money to causes that help others. Right?

Men in particular like to tell others what to do, this works in the military but not in personal intimate relationships.  Black and white answers, take it or leave it attitudes do not create an environment of open communication from the two in a personal union.  This kind of authoritative rule of law is needed in a great number of collective people to live in peace as a nation but does not work in a family. The couple will find their own boundaries of what works for them with regards to respect and kindness.

Couple relationships that are equal in power and decisions are always respectful of one another and kind.  

When you become a parent it is your responsibility to train and teach and at times give answers for your child to learn how to solve their problems. There are many self-help books that tell you, now an adult, do this or that and your life will change, but what if your life does not change?  What if we believed in others to make the right decisions for our life and we tried their way but it did not work? 

Soon we see the answer that worked for that author or motivational speaker will not necessarily work for you and me.  And if you are already lost and afraid you may now add guilt and condemnation to your already long list of what seems like another failure to you, because this new book or this new mentor's solutions did not work for you.  More problems are created, unless you are narcissistic.

What if you consider you may have the answer inside but just need to uncover it?  This is the best discovery to know "You are enough, you have the answers inside, and you can unlock your mind of negative thoughts."

If you have a strong ethical and moral constitution no matter what happens in your life you will survive with self respect intact, you can bounce back.

No one is listening inside your head. No one can hear your thoughts about yourself so why not let bad judgmental thoughts go?  These thoughts of shame and guilt are not hurting anyone but you. We are here so few years on earth, why not love our-self, forgive yourself and love your life?  If you seek it, inner peaceful thoughts, you will find a way. 

Writing self help books, teaching online courses, sharing what works for you is good to inspire creative thoughts in others to choose their path but it is the reader's choice, OUR choice to take action to change our lives.  Therefore you should get the praise for your own salvation, not the author or speaker, that inspired you, YOU. You are enough!

You don't have the right, I don't have the right, as an outside speaker or author, counselor, or teacher to rescue others and deprive them of their destiny.  Your life, your choice, your reward, your destiny.

No one has the right to take the praise for the work you did to change your life. Pat YOURSELF on the back, job well done, YOU DID THIS!

You don't have the right to interfere, I don't have the right to interfere with your destiny.  You will arrive at your destiny with or without the rest of us. Mistakes are great, each teaches us what others cannot. We are the best teachers of our own life.

Enjoy your life, we are not here long. I believe in you. 😉

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Producer's Commentary of YOU

My son and I were talking and he mentioned my curiosity of many things that lead me to research what's under the covers or behind that curtain. He said of every one he has ever met I am the only person he knows that watches a movie and then immediately watched the producer's commentary.

He says because of this curiosity I have, he believes I know more about a movie than meets the average eye.  "That's why I do it," I told him.  The producer and director know the thought process behind every scene, the lighting, the story, the actors, and it is fascinating. 

There is more that goes into making a movie than meets the eye.  Just amazing and quite detailed.

Having said this, this is why I read non-fiction books, I'm interested in what makes people tick.  What I've discovered,  people are good wherever you go and it is the minority that are malevolent. All of us are just doing our best and being nice to others along our way.

The book I'm almost finished writing this month is about this very thing.  What commentary is behind the scenes of our thoughts and why do we do what we do?  Once we figure that out we are home free.  Who is behind the scenes commenting on your life? We can change the scene if we choose, the actors, the lighting, or we can make subtle changes as needed. It is our life, our movie.

My 'movie' life has been a mystery at times, a romantic love story, an adventure film, a drama, a comedy, a horror film, but mostly a detective story.  The next move is always a welcomed fascination but one thing is for sure, I'm going to have fun.

Thankful for the genuine people in my life, this makes my life wonderful.

Image result for movie clips popcorn