Thursday, September 5, 2019

Producer's Commentary of YOU

My son and I were talking and he mentioned my curiosity of many things that lead me to research what's under the covers or behind that curtain. He said of every one he has ever met I am the only person he knows that watches a movie and then immediately watched the producer's commentary.

He says because of this curiosity I have, he believes I know more about a movie than meets the average eye.  "That's why I do it," I told him.  The producer and director know the thought process behind every scene, the lighting, the story, the actors, and it is fascinating. 

There is more that goes into making a movie than meets the eye.  Just amazing and quite detailed.

Having said this, this is why I read non-fiction books, I'm interested in what makes people tick.  What I've discovered,  people are good wherever you go and it is the minority that are malevolent. All of us are just doing our best and being nice to others along our way.

The book I'm almost finished writing this month is about this very thing.  What commentary is behind the scenes of our thoughts and why do we do what we do?  Once we figure that out we are home free.  Who is behind the scenes commenting on your life? We can change the scene if we choose, the actors, the lighting, or we can make subtle changes as needed. It is our life, our movie.

My 'movie' life has been a mystery at times, a romantic love story, an adventure film, a drama, a comedy, a horror film, but mostly a detective story.  The next move is always a welcomed fascination but one thing is for sure, I'm going to have fun.

Thankful for the genuine people in my life, this makes my life wonderful.

Image result for movie clips popcorn

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