Friday, September 4, 2020

"We, The People"

“We do not preserve the U.S. Constitution to protect elected public employees; we preserve the U.S.                                      Constitution to protect “We, the individual people” governed.”

Being free is not easy, it is a responsibility that comes with knowing your rights to live free. The U.S. Constitution was voted upon and agreed by the American people and Congress in 1787.  It was established to give the power to “We, The People” to always be governed by ourselves collectively.

The U. S. Constitution was not created to make a profit for elected public servants, nor for elected public servants to use their elected position to make deals in back rooms to gain personal wealth. The U.S. Constitution was created to protect “We, The People.”  Politicians have made themselves “KINGS.”

If any person is angry with American law and traditions, you need not apply to run for any elected public position; you have proven by your angry words and actions that you are not qualified to bring positive change.  You will not move our country forward; instead, your anger will keep our government and country stagnated.  The American people are not violent, angry, or greedy as some bold individuals in the limelight.  “We, the people” want to move forward together.

The peaceful among us do not watch TV twenty-four hours a day, we have a life.

“We, the people,” will not be divided; we respect each other and want harmony in our country.  The U.S. Constitution guarantees this better than any politician. The majority of us that make this nation peaceful are watching just enough to know we need to vote these politicians out.

No wonder the intellectual elites that were elected to govern today want to change the Constitution to suit their master plans. These elected public servants have made themselves demigods of intellect that do not serve the American people anymore.  These grandiose master plans do not support individual freedom and choices as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

Executive orders are being wielded like a sword by elected public servants in states without running these through the legal channels set up, elected officials are not obeying the decisions of the Supreme Court in the states and the people are told these unilateral decisions, mandated against the people’s will are to be put in motion, because it is the “right thing to do.”  Politicians are bullying each other and us.

A line from the preamble to the Constitution states the following:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them (we, the people) under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We don’t need a complete overhaul of our government, we need new public servants that uphold the U.S. Constitution.  Any politician promoting or permitting violence and taking away our law enforcement is forcing our hand to do the work we elected them to do.  Violence is NOT the people’s choice.

Thankful to know more about this extraordinary document because I was “Made in the U.S.A.”

Being free is not easy, it is a responsibility to abide by the U.S. Constitution you have to stand up and vote for it. We will be at the voting places to vote. The U.S. Constitution will stand.What Ever Happened to 'We the People'? - WSJ

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