Thursday, November 26, 2020

Eleven Lovely Reasons to be Thankful

Every Thanksgiving, I write "Eleven Lovely Things." This year my focus is what I treasure most as a citizen of the United States of America TODAY.

1) USA is the melting pot of the world, we have always had every nationality of the world here, since the creation of this "government for the people by the people," welcome.

2) USA protects every person's chosen religion to worship peacefully side by side in         this country, harmony.

3) USA has every ethnic food from the world over available prepared by native chefs, delicious. 

4) USA has a U.S. Constitution that gives every citizen here the protection to protest peacefully, a voice.

5) USA allows every person to create personal wealth if you work and seek it, prosperity.

6) USA protects every citizen to live without domestic violence in this country's homes. If you use the law to protect your family, it is here, safety.

7) USA gives women, children, and men protection by law from predators, chivalry.

8) USA  gives citizens, both men and women, the legal right to choose who they love and who to marry; you are respected as an individual.

9) USA allows everyone to choose their lifestyle with protection to live it, and therefore there is no need to impose different opinions on others, personal autonomy.

10) USA gives the people freedom to choose education, vocation, and location to live, individuality.

11) USA is the land of the free since 1776 because of the individual freedom-loving citizens.  The leaders elected with the voices of the people, created The Declaration of Independence and The U.S.Constitution.

That document was created for the people of this land.  It was not designed to rule the world. The people that live here are the protectors of that document. The elected public servants here respect that document and pass laws that serve the people and this country first and foremost as outlined in those documents. So far, it has worked well and given room for improvements as progress would dictate.  

USA is not perfect, it never will be, but we journey on to seek how to promote freedom through individual self-sovereignty. It works; time has proved it works. The free people's evolution means we are united in purpose, live free, and die free.

Life is a gift; to live free is a bonus.

As a country, we , the people are kindhearted and give of our prosperity to the world in need. 

More people come to live in this country every year than any other country in the world to have civility and peaceful self-sovereignty. Stand up, speak up to remain free. Free people have courage and faith. Good always wins if you keep standing for it. 

If you don't know your Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, you will not recognize it if these are trodden upon or taken from you.       Get a copy of these and study daily. It is your life and country. 

"Your life is a gift to the world." 

What will I give to make it better? If peace is to be, it must begin with me. Kindness and compassion is my responsibility.

Thankful this day and every day for every person on earth.  We all love one another, we just don't know it yet, but it is coming into focus. Every day can be a Thanksgiving Day if we make peace with the past and keep moving forward. There is no other way but forward together. 


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