Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was quite a woman with a mission.  She rode a buck wagon across thousands of miles speaking in every town to promote women to join the fight "Votes For Women."  She challenged women to think outside of being a drudge (A poor man's wife which kept her apron tied to the stove and pregnant, and to be his sexual playmate) or a trophy wife, (One that was kept to be pretty on his arm and make him look good in society with her domestic entertaining skills, babies, and be his sexual playmate). 

At the time, neither of these type women had rights to her own property nor her children should she choose to leave a bad marriage for any reason.  Susan wanted women to have the same rights as men and have “her own money.”  Susan knew a starting point was to get the right to vote for women.

Susan traveled with an alligator purse under the buck board of her wagon, across the Continental Divide, thousands of miles in snow, mud, and unpaved roads to get her message out. She was committed to giving women a "Voice." 

I would like Susan B Anthony to see the young women today, I believe she would be glad to see we did get the right to vote, (She died before this became law in 1920, but she declared "Failure is Impossible!") and she would be thrilled at the education that has opened up to women, to see independent women that are earning their own money, she would have loved to see a woman running for president. 

BUT... I believe she would shake her head in disbelief at the numbers of women that waste time and money on selfies, make up, hair extensions, plastic surgeries, vanity, and shopping. When will we women wake up, grow up, and move up in vision of self? That's where real power lies, in the collective voice of educated women seeking to make positive changes for the world, not the next selfie for social media.

Turn off social media fishing for compliments, stop with the selfies, we know what you look like...  Start using your intellectual talents, these are much more valuable to the world.

And "Thank you Susan!" You did your job, we will do ours.


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