Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Dinner is not celebrated by all Americans

I read, to the Indians located here in US America, this is a day to mourn because Indians gave the new settlers food and taught them skills to survive in this land and the white men in return, brought disease and stole their land.

As a modern day American, I can read history although I did not create it yet. As a child from the South I learned this was a day to celebrate for the founding of America, my home, and a salute to Indians that helped us settle.  I have an antique bust of Hiawatha that my Mom bought at an auction when I was around 4 y o, and my Dad and I loved this bust and what it represented to us. I have it today in my house.

As an interest in the American Indians came from my childhood love of them, their lifestyle, their ability to live off the land, free to travel and set up Indian longhouses, etc.  I learned there are many more tribes, nations, throughout the USA than most Americans know of today. And like any group where humans gathered anywhere, there were peaceful tribes and there were violent tribes that fought, killed, burned villages, stole women, horses, livestock, from other tribes. This is not exclusive to "white men." It seems whenever there are humans on any continent these characteristics will prevail among us.

I do not know positively of any of my own family that came from slave owners, robbers, anti-christ, anarchists, rapists, intentional carriers of disease used to kill others, pirates, (I once was told that Sir Frances Drake was in my genealogy, Yikes!)  government officials, presidents, but that does not mean they do not exist in my ancestors. There may be Indian, African American, Jewish blood in my lineage, who can say? Just because it is not documented does not mean it is not there.

I do know this, whatever happened back then, I cannot make amends enough for those that suffered because of it, but I can in this life, make my life one of kindness to all people of all races, religions, or politics because I know this life is all I have now, all I know for sure. I can teach through example to my children and the small world I interact and live in to be kind.

So I choose to not live in the past and not mourn things that take away the present moment of joy, here, now.  I know that joining in this sorrow will not take it away from anyone.

I will celebrate Thanksgiving Day every year for all the good things I have been given in this life. This I know for sure, "To be grateful, to be thankful on any day of the year is good for the planet."



  1. True, we can only change what is "the now". Being thankful and grateful today is the best way to effect positive change tomorrow.
    I do not have the time or desire to dwell in the past. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Reading comments on my blog, I read yours and thought there are so many good folks here, I believe more good, thankful, people in the USA than the angry voices of the media. If only we had the platform to voice our good thoughts...I do think we would outweigh those angry voices by a thousand to one. You and I are two, there are more for sure, we are the majority.
