Tuesday, October 23, 2018

He Walked In and He Walked Out

A backyard cookout in the woods, a little white face appeared, a kitten, too young to be taken from his mother poked his head out, looking for food or comfort.
A night on the bathroom floor with him in a box with blanket, an alarm clock set for 45 minutes, I woke up and fed the little starving angel, every 45 minute one teaspoon of cat food at a time. With his extended stomach from starvation, a bloody split lip and two fang marks on the top of his little head, I could not take in another cat, he was too injured and I did not have the time to nurse a kitten.  Too many responsibilities, already had cats, children a busy schedule, and work, no time for a sick kitty.  By 9am the next day I started calling “no kill” shelters, no room at the inn. I called other counties, and humane societies, no room.
I was offered to drop him off and he would be euthanized.
18 years later, he was on thyroid meds twice a day, he began to become very thin. Less and less he did not want to be held or touched, or to eat.  Then without a word, he walked out of the house and never came back. He left the way he came with my heart.
Every day I thank God he came into our lives, he was the most courageous, loving cat we have ever had, who loved everyone.  I may have healed his external wounds but he healed many more of my emotional ones.  Animals are like that…
I cannot talk about this anymore now, not for a long time, my grief is too great. We loved him well.

Image result for rip pet cat

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