Monday, October 8, 2018

Arrogance and Resentment the Root Of All Problems?

Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson of Toronto University is causing quite a stir.  He has written a new book "12 Rules For Life: An Antidote for Chaos" and he is in trouble with those trying to suppress free speech on college campuses. He is vehemently against obstructing it. You can see his lectures on YouTube.

I stumbled upon him and found him giving Bible lectures that are explained by the human nature he studies. Makes the Bible fairy tales begin to make real scientific sense. He says he is an expert on "anti-social behavior" and suffers from depression.  My intrigue was he is the first doctor I have ever heard explain that depression is an autoimmune disease. Think about that. Is it true?

He says all problems boil down to "arrogance and resentment."  All problems.  We have thought about this and Peterson may be right.  You may find his lectures interesting and 85% of his audience are males although he is a psychologist.  Women typically are the majority of psych studies students.  He puts reason and logic back in play in this politically confusing atmosphere.

I bought his book and am currently reading it. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he is a breath of fresh air. A person worth looking at to decide for yourself.

Thankful to see live lectures of anything I have interest in and being independent thinking enough to make up my own mind about anyone and everything.  My fear is that many young people don't have the courage to hear another side of a debate and be able to make a valid comeback to support their position.

 American men and women, good to be living in the USA, hope we can be leaders of free thought and free discussion and welcome free thinking ideas forever.

Image result for jordan peterson 12 rules for living

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