Friday, April 19, 2019

What App Is Draining Your Battery?

Yesterday I was walking along the Long Island Sound Beach and wanted to track my miles. My husband uses an app for his distance walking and bicycle miles so I called him for the app. He told me I downloaded it and stopped it when the walk was over.

The road home was a back road that lead me beside meandering mountain streams with ripples of water over gray black stones. Rock walls on either side of the road cut my cell service off for a period of time as well as XM radio. The day was blue skies, warm air, but cool enough to breathe in and feel renewed, a peaceful ride home.

When I returned home I did some household tasks and went to bed. When I woke up a few hours later I see my battery was getting low and there was a notice that an app was running in the background. I thumbed through the apps and see the walking app was running even though I stopped the walk, after not being able to stop it I had to go to settings, look up app and completely uninstall it, it was the only way to stop it. 

This reminded me of our mind and what I study about the thoughts and mind.

We have a conscious mind thinking all day long but in our subconscious there is a program that really affects the outcome of what we do every day.  This subconscious was programmed when we were in the theta wave of learning, the first seven years of our life.  If we were taught to fear anything or anyone, it was set up there.  The only two fears we are born with, fear of falling and fear of loud sounds are innate, but babies don't have depth perception that is why they will crawl off a table or jump into your waiting arms in deep water. 

The fear of failure, the fear of embarking upon an idea we have that will start a business of our own, the fear of never enough money, the fear of not being lovable, the fear of not being enough or acceptable, fear of lack in anything, fear of rejection, fear of too late now, these fears were programmed into our subconscious by fearful (but well intention-ed) care takers in an environment of lack when we were innocent babies. 

So this is the app running 24/7 in the background draining our battery, our entire adult life unless we see the problem and fix it.  But how?

This app is running in the back ground of your mind 24/7.  This is where self-sabotage and fear of being able to trust yourself, or make a sound decision is programmed and running all the time. It is an app in the background of your mind in your subconscious that must be found and stopped. Sometimes you can uninstall the program, sometimes you can force a stop, and sometimes like me, you have to dump the entire program and start over from ground zero. Before you can do any of this you have to identify the app because it is draining your battery for living life to the fullest with acceptance and approval.

My book is to help people identify the app in their brains that is draining the battery so you can reboot, dump, and become the programmer of your own life.  When you have a dream you can accomplish it with less stress and struggle. Only you can identify the app and only you can take the appropriate actions to uninstall it and put in good apps to ensure your success.

Thankful to see this, find the new apps that help me most to program me successful and loved, every day.  This is why I write my book to help others identify and dump a negative app running in the background of their mind so their battery will not burn out before they are settling for a life they did not plan.

Success starts with me deleting programs in my mind that drain my energy for living. Eliminate these stressful thoughts from my subconscious. Does this mean you will have no problems? Heck no, life happens, you can't control anything but your mind.

One helpful way to reprogram your mind for positives is to find a recording or make one with your own voice, which speaks positives of the outcome you want in your life. Play every single night when you are falling asleep.  This will "begin" the success app in your subconscious. Try it for six months and report back with your outcomes to this blog in comments. Changing your thinking is closer than you know and can be easy once you "see the negative app running" and stop it. Change your mind, change your actions for the better.

Image result for bad app running in the background

Monday, April 15, 2019

Ben Franklin had a Good Idea, Let's Try It

Ben Franklin knew himself well. He set everything on paper for his own clarity of the day.  No idle moment because his life was so exciting. What if we knew how really exciting life is and knew we were important to be present and enjoy every moment of it even if the moment is simply to breathe in and breathe out to smell fresh air or pause to really enjoy a flower, a tree, or the site of a wild animal?

This darn mind and the negative thoughts that can prevent us from being present and content.  So important to stop, give your mind space to NOT think, and just be.  Nature does this for us all if we only let it.

Ben Franklin had a basic understanding that he was here not to just live for himself but give of his talents to the world.  Where was this instilled in him? Society? Family values? Or did he discover this in his own determination to help build a land for the free? This United States of America?  when your WHY is big enough you will absolutely find a WAY.

What do you want to do to share you talent with the world and be your own person? Is your WHY big enough? Then get on with it, greater days are coming your way when you do.

You need a plan, a schedule, and then let's see if we can like Ben, incorporate these two questions into our daily schedule:

In the morning set an intention:

What good shall I do today? 

At night write in a journal the answer:

What good did I do today?

We can make the world a better place by this intention and action every day because we are all here to help one another whether we realize it or not.  And every day we decide what we will do to make this come true, whether we realize it or not.  Be careful what you say your mind is listening.  Act now.

Thankful every day for the mind to make decisions and the will to carry it out.  If you need help try BF schedule for starters and tweak it for you.  Try it for a week, month or three months, any length of time helps develop good discipline to get you in control of your life.

"You gotta run your own life, or it will run you to death."

Image result for ben franklin schedule print out

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Gratefulness and Depression Cannot Abide in the Mind at the Same Time

The answers to this life are easy and within your reach but you have to discipline the mind.  We can change our habits, stop the addictions, but if we don't discipline the mind, we will slip easily back into old negative habits in a second.

This is a road I have traveled so often that I am very familiar with automatic negative thinking and the work it takes to get out of it.  Negative self talk is destructive to a joyful life. Life can become joyful instantly when you stay present in the gratefulness of every thing you have now no matter how little it may seem at the present moment.

If something or someone you loved is gone, be thankful you had that thing or that person for as long as you did and accept it is gone. This makes space for new things, for new people, for new love to enter. This makes life easier.

Depression is looking back and becoming sad about things that happened or things you did, but you and I can do nothing to change it now. If we accept and vow  not to repeat mistakes, to move forward and let go of the past then the past has served it's purpose, lessons learned.

The more depressed, the longer the list you must write until the grateful attitude is more prevalent than the anger of depression that leads to helplessness. Helplessness can lead you to give up, don't.  Begin again today, move forward, life is good and we are not here very long.

You are not helpless, you are not a victim when you are in control of your own mind.

This is not easy and the WHY has to big or you will not find the HOW. My WHY is so big, my mental pain was so great, I will study, meditate and renew my thoughts every day for the rest of my life, in this I find I  am the luckiest person alive. Namaste.

Thankful to know this works, if it worked for me, I know it can work for you.

Image result for grateful attitude