Friday, June 21, 2019

Frigid Parents, Unkind Words, No Praise, Lethal to a Child's Self-Love

Can you handle it? How to get over this?

Elton John has a movie out now, "Rocketman."

The man is so talented I remember him well in my teenage years. The movie I thought I was going to see was about his creating his songs and it was except how he created these I did not expect.

He is a sensitive, loving, man and as a child his talent for the piano was his ticket into a scholarship in the Royal Academy of Music.  He did outstandingly well at the academy but he loved rock and roll.  He chose a stage name, "Elton John." The "John" was after "John" of the band "The Beatles."

Time after time he was wild and abusive in the men he chose in relationships and with himself. Alcohol, drugs, sex addiction, he tried every drug known to mankind he revealed in the movie and that talent! He still performed with all these vices nipping at his heels. He tried suicide. Thank goodness he did not succeed.

Many great talents are so incredibly talented they perform under the most adverse situations that it amazes me they can go onstage with so much emotional hurt but many do. 

My surprise, I cried through the majority of this movie every time I saw his frigid mother and father neglect this little boy, his feelings dismissed so blatantly and often without showing one ounce of compassion to him. Time and time again after his success he went back to see them hoping they would be proud of him and they just could not give him one word of praise.  No words.

If not for his Grandmother, I doubt he would have made it to the stage, she told him to take this scholarship and make something of himself out of this chance. He listened and he did.

His parents divorced, and his mother and father were cruel to him throughout his life. Just one word, is all he wanted, "word of any love from them expressed to him."  Frigid parents teach children they are not"enough" to be loved. In time he made peace with his parents, peace with his past, found peace within and is so doing became sober, drug-free, and found a wonderful mate.

EJ is drug free now 28 years and found a kind partner for 25 years. Forgiveness was the key even when the ones that need it most never ask it of you, you must find a way to forgive so YOU can move on.

Not the movie I thought I was going to see, better. Respect this guy even more for the beautiful human he is inside. He is now taking time off from touring to raise his children.
Take lots of tissues.

Thankful this generation is gentler and kinder, the world has a chance to heal with people like these.

  Image result for kind words to your children

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