Thursday, November 28, 2019

Eleven Lovely Things for Thanksgiving

1)  Seeing the first snowflake in October in upstate New York knowing skiing, snowmobiling, and ice skating is on the way.

2) Watching squirrels twirl and dance as they circle upward on trees to store nuts for the winter.

3) Enjoy the sighting of a lone white birch tree in the midst of the silhouette of dark pine trees against the winter sky.

4) Hearing the sound of a distant train across the river at night and being amazed that we can hear the sound of the whistle so clearly far away.

5) Calculating the position of the sunrise and sunset as each season comes and goes.

6) Listening to the comforting, soft, low, owl's call, "hoo, hoo, hoo" in the spring at night.

7) Determining each type of bird call from the treetops as they communicate with one another in the spring.

8)  Hearing the first insect peepers and katydids change their tune depending on warm or cold temperatures letting us know the weather.

9) Becoming excited when darkest falls midday while in the West we see a wall of black clouds form to let us know a storm is coming.

10)  Sitting by an open door or window after the cat runs for safety, hiding in the basement, being in awe of the lightening and cracks of thunder as we wait for the next roar and crash.

11) I love having a Sweetheart of a husband that makes this list for me this year and supports my writing a book without fear of what I may write, that's a true friend.

Happy Thanksgiving, what eleven unusual things are you grateful for this year?

Image result for on walden pond quotes

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