Friday, June 2, 2023

Self-regulating Emotions is the KEY

If the older generations understanding this life have anything to offer the younger, it is this: "Hold on, in a little while, things will return to peace." The majority of peaceful people exist in the average population worldwide.

Experiences in life teach those who survive hard times that self-regulating emotions are essential to return to peace. Forgiveness in our hearts of our part in it and others make this world go round.

The millennials are creating a new template of society that is more peaceful than the ones before. The shoulders of our ancestors' mistakes and victories teach the newbies a better way to peace, and it is a viable path. 

The older generation has endured many wars we did not start, and we learned we are not powerless when we self-regulate emotions and take peaceful actions to speak of free will to restore it to the peaceful people governed.

Fear is the crippling emotion that causes crises unnecessarily. Many elders have learned to be fearless in the face of adversity and make decisions from a place of education and free will. None who coerces with force are benevolent in motivation, but each of us has a choice in the face of such tyrants when we calm down and wait. Speak, stand, and persist in a peaceful resolution, and freedom will rise. When we stand for peace, this stance releases the switch of abundance to rid the situation of malevolence, but we must endure by self-regulating emotions while we patiently wait.

Benevolent nature people driven by peace on earth have no need to rule over another. Older, wise, benevolent people will not give their power away because they know this well. 

I continue to be amazed by the younger generation, full of kindness and compassion for everyone. I am thankful our children and their children have evolved past the violence of the past. It is a beautiful day because our triumph over mistakes has taught the newer generation to think of new ways of improving unity on Earth. 

The new way of thinking is here, and it is real. 

All is well, and all will be well. Thankful for the younger generation every day.

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