Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Uncontrollable Freedom Lovers Have Been Here 247 Years and Will Carry On

We speak with people daily, and the verdict is, "The peace-loving, compassionate, accepting people of diversity are unanimous; "We are free, and nothing can stop us from living free!"

Our parents and grandparents loved freedom, the ancestry of all of us voted to free all people, and we will not return to the darkness of propaganda, fear tactics, and slavery, mind or body.

How did we achieve the majority of educated freedom lovers?

The older generation of your parents pushed through hard times to get their children educated as our grandparents before us pushed to provide food, shelter, and educational opportunities; they did not have to give their future children a chance at living their life of peaceful, free choice.

We stand today because of the freedom-loving foundation built by our ancestors. Once these younger minds are educated, they must play catch up to learn what their parents know, and they will do more. They will research more to find answers and be kind, compassionate, and free.

The people love all humanity and the planet's resources, and we will speak to keep reverence for both.

When educated with all the facts, everyone can choose the right thing to do without force, coercion, and threats. There is no need for maniacal science, profit greed, monarchies, or politician mob rule of restricted access to information. With the internet, it will be impossible to stop the research. GREAT!

Thank goodness the internet was invented so we can join our brothers and sisters in worldwide freedom solutions. Something new is needed, and we will build it like the founders that created the U.S. Constitution for the people by the people before us.

We want world peace, no more wars. Peace will prevail worldwide.

The U.S. Constitution is a miracle constructed to give individuals the 'reins' of political power for every legal citizen. We welcome newcomers to this country that love freedom and the rules of individual free speech and worship outlined in our U.S. Constitution. We must have laws, order, and hearts. Thankful we have laws that protect everyone from being harmed.

You do you, I'll do me, and we embrace our diversity with differences of opinions with no violence. 

That is the American way, the Freedom Lover Way.

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