Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Moose In The Wild Highway

My prayer for many decades has been to see a moose in the wild and tonight at 4 AM on the Mass Pike my dream came true.  I have driven in the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire for years looking for moose, I have kayaked the Moose River for years looking for moose, and when I wasn't looking...I meet one on the Mass Pike at 4 AM!

The magnificent creature stood about 8 feet tall and the antlers were higher, I was so excited.  He stood there handsome as any thoroughbred race horse I had seen at  Saratoga Racetrack, beautiful. We were talking about our eldest and how we love him so and the moose appeared.  We went to Providence, Rhode Island tonight to see his band Tanith play, and the band was fantastic.

Our eldest loves moose too. I took it as a sign from heaven that everything is going to be alright. Life is good and getting better every day for each of us.

 Image result for highway moose

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