Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas At Pemberley

The Capital Rep in Albany, NY is currently running this play a sequel to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.  The cast had superb actors from all over the USA and many from off Broadway from our own NYC.  Humor, music, acting, top notch entertainment and so worth the evening to just relax and remember when romance and love began "with your clothes on and really getting to know one another before marriage was seriously considered."

A certain amount of stuffiness is preferred by me and my husband.  And a serious lifetime commitment, come what may, no matter what, also preferred by us.  Marriage for a lifetime needs to be worked out for the betterment of each party every time a serious disruption occurs, and as for basics, what one would think would go without saying, no longer exists, you need to agree on these: no domestic violence, no lies, no infidelity, no polygamy, no arranged marriages, can you believe this needs to be said?  Well apparently it does, this is America, not the dark ages.

This play is based on these long tried and true sentiments in a more austere time reveled in Jane Austin books, and some of us shed a tear to hear those romantic sentiments and oath of love once again expressed with promise in a simpler time.  The writers are to be praised for this great writing.

Thank you Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon writers, young successful playwrights that this generation can enjoy for years to come.

Thank you Jane Austin for reminding us of love in a simpler time.

Thank you Sweetheart for taking me. It was a great night.

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Eleven Lovely Things

1)   Seeing the first white dusting on a field of Sumac

2)   Waking to see a sunrise coming through the window that outlines my Sweetheart’s silhouette as he lies next to me sleeping

3)   Looking at a miniature balsam wood cutout of a village with tiny white lights that light up the slopes as I write

4)   Seeing an artist carve a bear out of a plain wood log

5)   Seeing a white turkey in our yard for the very first time

6)   Eating dinner on the deck with my Sweetheart unnoticed as two black bears walk by the deck 4 feet beneath us

7)   Seeing a sleeping lion tattoo on the Swamp Witch

8)   Watching a bird build a nest in the southern point of my kayak leaning against the back wall of my house

9)   Witnessing the mother bird taking all her young ones out for their first successful flight out of the nest, as each pauses to perch on our deck and lattice till they fly up to a high limb where mother and father bird are chirping, cheering along, each of the four

10)Going through old pictures and letters, memories all but forgotten… of a fun life raising children, we did so many, many, educational, exciting, adventurous, fun things as a family.

11)Seeing a moose in the wild for the first time, even thought it was 4AM on the Mass Pike.

Another great year. Thankful.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Form Your Opinion and then Read Everything You Can Find, Opposing Your View

Now what do you think?

The point of TV is to make money for the production companies that produce the shows.  As in any sales position, if people don't need your product you must create a need through fear of loss or pleasure to improve your lifestyle through entertainment. We don't need the spin, we don't need the fear factor promoted, we need straight true facts, yes we need the press, but an unbiased press does not exist, maybe never will. Why?

All news channels have talk show hosts that are there to get you to tune in to their channel again tomorrow or the ratings go down, the show is canceled, the host, out of job.  So TV hosts, radio hosts, like comedians, walk the edge of being politically incorrect to stir up fear or excitement, rarely to report just facts. Facts are boring, yawn, turn over, go to sleep...

News is needed but because it may be boring, the media has to cause a spin, a stir, to get the audience rallied up, else, why would anyone stay tuned in to buy that narrative or advertisers' products?

If you really are passionate, do the work. Research and read many books and periodicals that are not reported on media. Form your own opinions about everything but focus on the one thing, that thing that grabs your attention most, this is the reason you are here. That one thing if focused upon will bring you contentment in what you do best, you will be your best because you will do this for your entire life. Because you love to do this, you will become very good at this, maybe an expert after twenty or thirty years of research and application, and stay the heck away from passive, spoon fed, learning that bypasses all understanding being streamed into your brain via media, gaming, etc.

Great quote I heard recently:

"The problems that grab you are the portal to your destiny. ~Jordan Peterson~

Thankful to grow up knowing celebrity life, entertainer's (actors, comedians, talk show hosts) politicians' life (especially when campaigning for election) is not real. These professions are hard roads to travel, to get the attention and money each seek. These although enjoyed by me, never interested me at all.

Do I believe each of these people in this USA have good intentions? Yes I do.  I'm just saying, believe half of everything you see, a quarter of everything you hear, and less of whatever anyone tells you in person. It takes a long time to find a truthful friend or teacher that will be there for you come what may, even if you disagree. It takes a long time to discern truth from lies, but we all can learn this in time. Form your own opinion through lots of research that "oppose" the popular opinion of what you think is true.

After you form an opinion, do your research, read everything against your viewpoint, then make a final decision. You cannot do this research without an open mind, you can do this research if you truly want to find a viable answer today. Let not media and government take your right to think for yourself, or research, and speak away.

Learn to think for yourself, don't miss out on the greatest show on earth, your life.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Free Solo" Dangerous Movie for the Public to See

There is a 33 year old man that loved rock climbing without a rope. The disregard for his human life in such a dangerous activity made him odd and made him a first time ropeless rock climber at El Capitan, Yosemite Park.  This of course made him famous, but at what price? There is no doubt he could have died at any moment yet he did not care for his life, all he focused on was climbing that rock, no one had done this climb ropeless before and many have died trying, that used a rope.

Why did he do it? It was such a blatant unnecessary risk of a human life and the danger is this: because he did it successfully as a skilled rock climber, and had it filmed, this movie will inspire young bucks, testosterone driven teenagers to think he/she, too, cannot be killed, to try it.  Young men die with this uncontrolled testosterone brain doing a lot less, driving recklessly, racing, jumping off cliffs in undetermined bottoms of abandoned rock quarries, (I did this once as a teen).  Later when your brain develops a very healthy understanding of life and dangers in it, you, hopefully, rethink such ridiculous dangerous acts.  This is good, the human race will not survive otherwise.

But this world of a five senses only focus, glorifies a winner, an explorer of new terrains, an inventor, and therein lies a problem.  Women get possessed in their pursuits as well, look at Madame Curie's hands after too many x-rays she performed on herself. Necrotic.

The x-rays although primitive in its nature helped to begin a needed insight into a human's body to locate disease.  Sonograms and thermograms came decades later but it began with x-rays developed by Madame Curie.  Does the end justify the means?  In Madame Curie's discovery she did not know that the x-rays would cause necrosis eventually, if she did know would she have done it?  I don't know.

But back to people who do these seemingly heroic feats risking a life for unnecessary conquests, such as beating the rock, that benefits only Alex Honnold to feel joy of the climb, his friends were glad he made the climb but more so they were glad he got it out of his system and lived. In the movie he said when he got to the top he almost cried but decided not to, after all, he never saw his parents shed a tear.  A book tour, a talk show round, he becomes a motivational speaker for corporate America, will insure income so he can climb rocks for many years.  What message will this movie send to the public?

My concern, if he wants to do this, it is his life, how did his brain become desensitized? Some think his father had Asperger's and that helped him not to know how to connect with others, his parents divorced, he was never told that he was loved or hugged, but we must realize his brain is "not wired for personal preservation, safety or "feeling" the value he has in life," or feel any obligations to the people that love him. This is a tragedy for him. His disconnect to others.

This film will inspire other young, inexperienced testosterone pumping men and women, not so wise, to die trying, some may with much practice succeed. But is this a price that all must pay in this generation of technology where, gaming makes reality a joke, or families disconnected by divorce, arguments over money, land, a perceived unfair distribution in a will causes families to divide forever? What about parents that ship kids off to boarding schools and full-time daycare so they can work, with no interruptions, from their own children? How about high functioning alcoholics, drug addicts, and food addictions in us all, that desensitizes us to feelings of being alive and valuing human life?  And worse, much deeper and sadder, loses the search for our real purpose, a purpose outside of self and conquest, a purpose that makes us "feel" alive?

Our children are watching us and learning how to deal with life from watching us.  How will the next generation survive?  The only choice, turn off feeling anything to disguise the hurt, turn off like a button on a video game, sleep, wake up, repeat.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Daughter (in-law) is a Gift

What is it about a strong independent thinking woman that is so in touch with her relatives that she senses when something is amiss even if no one says anything?  I have a daughter and a girlfriend who does this for me often.  The phone call that comes at a time I am suffering silently that says, "could not get you out of my thoughts today so I had to call and see how you are..."

And then there is the part of me that wants to be strong and say, "Everything's fine" when I am not fine.  In my older years I have found it is ok to let our adult children know when we are hurt or when we are weak, or when we need help, and to let them help us.  Adult children mean they can be your confidants, they can handle more trouble than you know, they do not need our protection anymore, support, yes, confidant yes, but no need to coddle and take care of them, in fact this coddling makes them afraid to leave home without you.

Our children have been independent for years now. Strong, independent thinkers, wise beyond their years and in fact much wiser than I was at their age, wiser than my husband at their age, maybe we did something right.  Women in particular don't like lies, cover ups, and BS.  Maybe this is why God made them the mothers of the future instill a love for the truth, or maybe we all are born with this in us, maybe fear is taught.  Words teach fear or fearlessness, what are you listening to everyday and how do you feel after hearing it?  You decide and for me I turned off cable and read books, if you read enough books, you begin to get your own opinion based on facts not hear say. We trust our children for they like us read and formulate their own opinions and you can bet when they speak to us, they have the facts, a truth we trust because they are informed.  We can openly debate anything and agree to disagree on the details peacefully without separation.

So a gift in my older years is our wise daughter, she listens and takes action to show her love to us every single day.  Daughter-in-laws are like that too.  My mother loves her daughter-in-laws, and my daughter loves me.  Strong, kind, women, are a gift in each of our lives. Thankful for each of these in our family.

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