Saturday, November 24, 2018

Eleven Lovely Things

1)   Seeing the first white dusting on a field of Sumac

2)   Waking to see a sunrise coming through the window that outlines my Sweetheart’s silhouette as he lies next to me sleeping

3)   Looking at a miniature balsam wood cutout of a village with tiny white lights that light up the slopes as I write

4)   Seeing an artist carve a bear out of a plain wood log

5)   Seeing a white turkey in our yard for the very first time

6)   Eating dinner on the deck with my Sweetheart unnoticed as two black bears walk by the deck 4 feet beneath us

7)   Seeing a sleeping lion tattoo on the Swamp Witch

8)   Watching a bird build a nest in the southern point of my kayak leaning against the back wall of my house

9)   Witnessing the mother bird taking all her young ones out for their first successful flight out of the nest, as each pauses to perch on our deck and lattice till they fly up to a high limb where mother and father bird are chirping, cheering along, each of the four

10)Going through old pictures and letters, memories all but forgotten… of a fun life raising children, we did so many, many, educational, exciting, adventurous, fun things as a family.

11)Seeing a moose in the wild for the first time, even thought it was 4AM on the Mass Pike.

Another great year. Thankful.

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