Friday, November 16, 2018

Form Your Opinion and then Read Everything You Can Find, Opposing Your View

Now what do you think?

The point of TV is to make money for the production companies that produce the shows.  As in any sales position, if people don't need your product you must create a need through fear of loss or pleasure to improve your lifestyle through entertainment. We don't need the spin, we don't need the fear factor promoted, we need straight true facts, yes we need the press, but an unbiased press does not exist, maybe never will. Why?

All news channels have talk show hosts that are there to get you to tune in to their channel again tomorrow or the ratings go down, the show is canceled, the host, out of job.  So TV hosts, radio hosts, like comedians, walk the edge of being politically incorrect to stir up fear or excitement, rarely to report just facts. Facts are boring, yawn, turn over, go to sleep...

News is needed but because it may be boring, the media has to cause a spin, a stir, to get the audience rallied up, else, why would anyone stay tuned in to buy that narrative or advertisers' products?

If you really are passionate, do the work. Research and read many books and periodicals that are not reported on media. Form your own opinions about everything but focus on the one thing, that thing that grabs your attention most, this is the reason you are here. That one thing if focused upon will bring you contentment in what you do best, you will be your best because you will do this for your entire life. Because you love to do this, you will become very good at this, maybe an expert after twenty or thirty years of research and application, and stay the heck away from passive, spoon fed, learning that bypasses all understanding being streamed into your brain via media, gaming, etc.

Great quote I heard recently:

"The problems that grab you are the portal to your destiny. ~Jordan Peterson~

Thankful to grow up knowing celebrity life, entertainer's (actors, comedians, talk show hosts) politicians' life (especially when campaigning for election) is not real. These professions are hard roads to travel, to get the attention and money each seek. These although enjoyed by me, never interested me at all.

Do I believe each of these people in this USA have good intentions? Yes I do.  I'm just saying, believe half of everything you see, a quarter of everything you hear, and less of whatever anyone tells you in person. It takes a long time to find a truthful friend or teacher that will be there for you come what may, even if you disagree. It takes a long time to discern truth from lies, but we all can learn this in time. Form your own opinion through lots of research that "oppose" the popular opinion of what you think is true.

After you form an opinion, do your research, read everything against your viewpoint, then make a final decision. You cannot do this research without an open mind, you can do this research if you truly want to find a viable answer today. Let not media and government take your right to think for yourself, or research, and speak away.

Learn to think for yourself, don't miss out on the greatest show on earth, your life.

Image result for your life the greatest show on earth

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