Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas At Pemberley

The Capital Rep in Albany, NY is currently running this play a sequel to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.  The cast had superb actors from all over the USA and many from off Broadway from our own NYC.  Humor, music, acting, top notch entertainment and so worth the evening to just relax and remember when romance and love began "with your clothes on and really getting to know one another before marriage was seriously considered."

A certain amount of stuffiness is preferred by me and my husband.  And a serious lifetime commitment, come what may, no matter what, also preferred by us.  Marriage for a lifetime needs to be worked out for the betterment of each party every time a serious disruption occurs, and as for basics, what one would think would go without saying, no longer exists, you need to agree on these: no domestic violence, no lies, no infidelity, no polygamy, no arranged marriages, can you believe this needs to be said?  Well apparently it does, this is America, not the dark ages.

This play is based on these long tried and true sentiments in a more austere time reveled in Jane Austin books, and some of us shed a tear to hear those romantic sentiments and oath of love once again expressed with promise in a simpler time.  The writers are to be praised for this great writing.

Thank you Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon writers, young successful playwrights that this generation can enjoy for years to come.

Thank you Jane Austin for reminding us of love in a simpler time.

Thank you Sweetheart for taking me. It was a great night.

Image result for christmas at pemberley

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