Sunday, March 17, 2019

Listening Is The Most Dangerous Thing To Do, Most People Don't Know How

In The Garden of Eden some religions teach it was not the woman taking a bite of the apple that caused the fall of Adam and Eve from the paradise they enjoyed, rather it was the "listening" of Eve to consider another point of view that was the down fall of them both. Had she not listened to a serpent, she would not question what an outside source, "God" had commanded her not to do, and she would not have acted to take a bite of the tree of knowledge.  This is a great story, but one God did not intend or write.  Yes, I believe in God but not religions, I believe in me.

Religions promote this; "Don't listen to another point of view, this ideology has all the answers you need. Study the scriptures of our belief, all answers are there."  This lack of questioning is to keep followers from thinking for yourself and possibly abdicating the religion altogether.

When you begin to think for yourself you will find you are kinder than you know, you have peaceful solutions that come to you without outside intervention.  Many times you find you are kinder and more forgiving than the religion you follow.

All religions, proclaim this is the "only the true religion."

This belief alone is divisive.

Listening.  When you listen you consider what another person is saying and if that other person is persuasive enough that listening may change you. Change what you think, change what you say, change what you believe, change how you act.

Now listening is beneficial when you are an adult and have developed critical thinking skills through life experience and education. To listen to two differing ideas and to have the patience, the reason and logic to do your own research before you speak, without selfish righteousness, will move to a place of compromise that is more harmonious and peaceful.

But most people listen with the thought of evaluation based on fixed preconceived opinions. Most listen only with the intention of defending their own point of view.  When you are thinking while others are talking you are not listening, you are gearing up for a fight for a personal agenda to be pushed instead of allowing another to have their say.  This always causes division.

Calmly listening to another point of view when you are young, doing your own research to find truth and be aware of all the facts on both sides of the issue instead of pushing a personal agenda you were spoon fed from a reliable source, will give you truth and confidence.  Hatred has an agenda and does not heal any situation no matter how noble.  It cannot give new ideas and answers for a better solution.

Listen we will learn something we did not know. Thankful as years go by to know I do not know everything and to really listen is an art.

Image result for listen is different from hearing

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