Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Grasshopper Scientist

With a baby stroller for the new sister and our scheduled after breakfast daily walk we went outside on the country road where every day in the warm weather I took our babies to breathe in the fresh clean country air and enjoy nature.  He had not been walking long at 14 months he had taken his time taking his first step and to this day he takes his time before taking any step, he is wise that way. His sister arrived when he was 16 months of age.

On this day we went to the end of the driveway and he stopped, pointed and grunted, Uh, Uh, he had not learned to talk yet but in his baby way he let me know he saw something and wanted to know it's name. In the grass there was a green grasshopper and he was so intrigued he immediately lie flat on the ground with face next to it to get a closer look.

"Grasshopper." I said, "Grasshopper."

He stared at it as it crawled ever so slowly up a green blade of grass, not disturbed by the baby face presence so close. As it moved, the baby was fascinated and I decided to stop. Stay far enough away not to intrude on the grasshopper scientist research. He looked and looked, the grasshopper did not move for many minutes as it sat, it finally rubbed its two back legs together and the little scientist looked at me pointing to it as if to say, "Did you see that?"

"Yes," I replied. "Grasshopper."

Now I could have said, "Ok, let's keep moving, I have a schedule to keep..." But I did not.

The little guy got to his knees and sat back on them, eyes fastened on that grasshopper. In that moment I thought, this is his time, his time to relax and discover how wonderful, entertaining, and comforting nature, insects, animals, trees can be if you stop and look and listen.

So I waited, his baby sister and me. She sleeping, me with a book in my hand which I always had with me to read while waiting, watching, while children discover, play, enjoy being free, being little.  No clock to rule our time, just curiosity.

Finally as quickly as he had plopped down on the ground, he got up and the grasshopper hopped off. He was through with his research for today and ready to move on. I  glanced at my watch, he had been fascinated watching that insect for 30 minutes.  So with pacifier in his mouth, he took my hand and we walked on.

It's moments like this I remember when I realize he is 35 years old today. The joy he brought into my life at 28 years old as a baby, he still brings to mind now that he is a man, grown, far from home living life on his own terms many years now.  A Marine Corps Vet, an independent thinker, a kind-hearted soul, a loyal friend to his comrades, a devoted brother and son to his family, a kind man to his girl, a musician, a hard worker, he is a good, good, man.

So thankful for that grasshopper scientist that was given to me for a short while. I held his hand for a little while, he holds my heart forever. Children are like that. I loved being a stay at home mom for our babes and they taught me more about love and selfless giving than I ever knew before having them.

He is one of my happiest thoughts, I have three.  Happy Birthday! Jr.  We love you forever and always!

Image result for grasshopper

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