Saturday, December 1, 2018

Surrendering To Surrender

A few years ago, after I celebrated a 50+ birthday, I hit a wall, a realization that my thoughts were not peaceful enough and clear enough for me to live with myself in peace another day and so I changed. (Even though I have worked at this daily since teen years. I came from a very angry family.) I had to surrender to my place in life, my choice and the consequences I received, some good, some bad, I had to relive in my mind these consequences without judgment.  I sought out more knowledge and found Eckhart Tolle, Byron Kelly, and delve in deeper to meditation.  I found I am beginning to live a very open minded life with closed minded people in it and I wanted these closed minded people in my presence no more. There is no need for me to be in angry conflict with anyone anymore. Life is too short. I love people. I want to have kind people around me that truly love and care for me as I love and care for them. People including family members, that go out of their way to visit me and see me, persons that get excited to be with me as I am excited to be with them.

People don't need to be perfect, I certainly am not perfect, but I want people that know what it is to live in the "power of now."  People that always give themselves the best that is available and want the best for others too.

And now I'm a decade older and I continue to enjoy reading,and seeking self improvement. I found another author that speaks truth to me, Jordan Peterson, that resonates. In this study:

"I am surrendering to surrender."  ~MSN

What does this mean?  I'm not completely sure but one action that has been inspired in me is "total simplicity" in thought, logic, reason, that translates into a total "dejunking" of everything in my environment. Excess jewelry, excess furniture, unused art supplies, crafts, books, all objects are being donated to those less fortunate that can use them now.  Why do I need to stock such things that can be used and enjoyed now by another? As I release each attachment to these material things, there is a peace coming to my being, a peace to my mind, a simple way of living life...

And I am so extremely thankful for my husband and children, and a few close friends that are like me, surrendering to surrender.  We are becoming very aware life is too short to be in conflict, or constantly at war over ideas, opinions. I am so grateful to have friends that confront their fears head on, without addictions or blaming others. Persons that are aware that as we all take responsibility for everything in our life, stop blaming others, get thankful, we are not victims but the creators of our own reality. Life can be beautiful, if only in your perspective, give yourself this peace, only you can give yourself peace. 

Today do this one thing, stop making excuses for not being the best you can be, this includes stop blaming others or blaming your past mistakes for not being your best self, now, do it now.  Enjoy your life, death comes unexpectedly at times, learn to live your best life before death comes to you.

Namaste and God bless us everyone. 😉

Image result for ralph waldo emerson quote no one can give you peace

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