Friday, December 21, 2018

If you Talk A Lot About A Subject That Educates YOU, You May Be A ...

Teacher of that subject.

If you talk a lot about yourself without curiosity, or others with contempt, you may be a braggart or a gossip, both a bore in conversation. Choose what you speak about with open heart and open mind then listen. Assume everyone knows more than you, because... they do if you listen long enough.

If someone does not find 'your interesting subject' interesting, find your group, there are people who get you, love you, and want to talk with you about subjects you are interested in, find them, these are your true friends. Don't try to force a friendship with any person(s) that does not want your knowledge or interests.

Everyone fits in somewhere, find your friends."Speak your loving truth, enjoy your life"

Allow that others are free to live their life too, even if you don't agree to be part of it. Always choose peace, you will know it by the outcome of actions, both yours and other people. Choose peace every moment until it becomes a habit. Life gets easier every decade as we choose to agree to disagree with peace. You are not alone, find your group, they are closer than you think.

Thankful to find peace with imperfection, me. The beginning of knowledge was to discover, no matter how much I know, I can never know it all, no one can, it is not possible. Wow, I discovered this on my own and Socrates discovered this too, many years ago!

Image result for socrates cannot know it all quotes

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