Thursday, January 3, 2019

Things That Make you Nervous and Anxious are Things You Have not Mastered...Yet

Life throws situations at us all we are not prepared for. Your parents simply cannot, no matter how good they are, prepare you for everything in life that could happen to you.  Parents can't make your friends, or your decisions of how to handle every problem that arises in your life, nor should they.  You have a brain and a heart you can figure it out without others telling you what to do.

You will make bad decisions, we all do, it is part of the human experience. You will make good decisions, this is part of the human experience. Fortunately the good ones should make an impression on each of us that will reinforce the good with a repeat of those actions. If the results of your choices both good and bad do not teach you the lesson you need to learn, these lessons will be repeated until learned.  Choose to learn from the good and bad as soon as possible.

When you are anxious and afraid to think for yourself, you will look to others to copy how they deal with your problems because you were not taught to think for yourself or that you can think and make the right choice to deal with your problem.  Who will you copy?  Will you choose to escape feeling anxious by using alcohol, food, spending money, taking drugs and other addictions of choice?  Will you look to exchange your lack of self introspect which leads to a more permanent solution, for  the feel good momentarily fix of selfish pleasures/a mental sedation to put the anxiety on the shelf to deal with another day?

And you will deal with it another day until you "Master" your perspective and actions. The question is how much damage will you do to yourself and others while you continue to be nervous and anxious again and gain without finding your inner peace? 

The treasure hunt for correct answers can always be measured by your outcome.  If outcome is peace of mind and unity, you have chosen wisely grasshopper.  I may have been a bee, a butterfly, a grasshopper, but this I know for sure I am forever transforming into a kinder person.  This, brings me peace of mind.  It helps if you started out with basic kind rules, hopefully taught to you through your family and church... but if your family and religion is angry and warlike, you will need to find it on your own.  You can do this no matter where you live in the world, it is as close as your silent thoughts.

Thankful to know I can do this, many are finding this peaceful mind and actions. The world is becoming a more unified place. I meet these good people every day.  People who know how to think for themselves, look within and willing to change without blaming others anymore.  It is easier than I knew to find answers, the hard part is changing my stubborn defensive self.  I knew I was as stubborn and defensive as anyone, but I'm getting closer to inner peace everyday. It is a life long pursuit I invite and enjoy.  What will you choose?  Your choices will be known by the outcomes you see in your life.  When you master each problem as it arises, you will find more peace each and every day.

Life is fun, enjoyable, and beautiful but only if you truly make it so without denial of what is.

Image result for byron katie loving what is quotes

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