Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hollywood Produces Another Hit Show, Single Mother Praised, Children...Details

Money, money, money, successful TV show, accolades, honors awarded, big success as single mother tells the journey, quite impressive, but her children?  Well you decide...

The road to Hollywood success will costs you, but with perseverance and plenty of money to hire nannies, house keepers, etc. you can do it!

Divorced, three daughters, an invalid mother, and a full time TV producer and star of her own show now, you can have it all. She does and she proudly tells us how.

This woman has made amazing strides in her own Hollywood success story and I applaud her for her perseverance on this road, it is not easy but when she spoke of taking care of her daughters...I felt for those girls... she said,

"Yes as a single mother, a full-time producer, I raised three daughters and took care of an invalid mother that lived next door...when the girls were going through hard times and puberty...

I thought of ways to stay away from them...

Now they are grown we have a better relationship than ever.

The only rule is if you are acting bitchy, Get out of the house!"

This home does not sound kind or comforting ...nothing matters because she is a successful TV writer and producer now.  Another feminist wins.

Oh the children?  They have access to Ivy League colleges and the best clothes, hotels, tickets in town or out of town, they are lucky.  Their mother is a mentor for them to follow, go to work full-time, leave children in anyone's care but their own mother and father.

Make sure to the best of your ability you have the best daycare money can buy, this makes your absence permissible, justifiable.  Better yet, let's put them in a boarding school year round, a prestigious expensive one, that's surely ok. Right?  The children want you.

A father? A home with both parents available to the children? This is no guarantee of a good outcome for the children. If you ask the kids, they want a home with both parents present, but what do they know? Children...details!

And she claims she is a "homebody" and when she is at home she cooks home made meals.

Webster's dictionary:
Homebody: A person who likes to stay at home, especially someone who is perceived as someone unadventurous.

She jokes about needing Xanax and Ambien to deal with life. (Alcohol is usually the drug of choice for such problems when prescriptions can't be obtained, at least it is for the rest of us Americans)

Details, actually being with children? Teaching healthy ways to deal with negative emotions? One that does not require drugs and alcohol. Now that's a worthy endeavor.

This does not matter, her way of dealing with emotional girls' problems? ..."Get Out!"

She is a winner any way you spin that story.  She never mentioned a father that helped with his children once. Was he a good role model for those girls? Did he help take care of them?

Maybe her daughters will follow in her foot steps, be writers like their mother and write their own story of growing up with their parents one day.  Their "tell all" book will not get much notice, does not matter, only the Hollywood success show of their mother, matters.  Tell all books usually get written when the money runs out for the children. It is the last ditch effort to cash in on mother's name.  Or maybe they will write a hit show!

What are you willing to sacrifice to get your dreams?

One thing I have learned, money can hide a multitude of dysfunctional behaviors. Who cares?  As long as you look good to the world the rest is just details.


Image result for children priceless treasure

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