Monday, February 11, 2019

Fell Into A Tub of Butter of Fire, Again

The art studio is coming into fruition in between working and every day life activities.  Sheetrock up now the taping and compound must be dried and sanded.  A supplemental heat source must be used as the attic studio space is cooler, especially in a February New York winter.

Sweetheart was looking at ugly but functional metal heaters and saying once I buy these you can use these later to keep your studio warm.  What? Me use an ugly functional metal heater in my sacred art space? I think not!  Beauty is my motto in my environment.

I would love to have a real fireplace there as we love our fireplace in the living room and the campfire out back but that was not feasible building a chimney at the other end of the house, not in the budget at this I decided to find an electric fireplace.

The search began on Craigslist as I do not like to buy new unless absolutely necessary.  I am a big believer in reuse, repurpose, and renovate to not buy more and more new things when used things may end up in a landfill, not my way.

Still I looked on Craigslist and did not see one that I really liked, I wanted a real fire look as well as a heater.  I browsed the internet and found one I really, really liked, it was in a antique cherry wood stain cabinet with a realistic fire but alas, it was way out of my budget for the studio just now, but it was the one I preferred for a supplemental heat source.  No bother, I will look on Craigslist and see if I can make a deal on a used one, all is well.

So I begin wheeling and dealing with other electric fireplaces sellers when, on day four of browsing Craigslist, the very, the exact same, electric fireplace I wanted in the antique cherry color cabinet came up for sale at a third of the price, $400.  Quickly I looked on the map and found it was travel time about two hours away south NY.  I would need to rent a truck and would need to get muscle help to lift it. The cabinet and fire unit weighed 200 lbs.

After checking the many rental trucks I see it would cost about $150 to rent truck with mileage. That was well enough but I could not justify the entire price, I know I'm cheap. I like to refer to myself as frugal. So with the truck and the original price of the fireplace on Craigslist it would costs $550, I did not want to spend that now. It never hurts to ask what the seller would take so I text "What is the bottom line price he would sell it for."

My hopes were high but answer.

Did I insult him by asking this? It was a great deal at one third the price, but it was used, and I like to dicker price. Asking for a lower price is always worth a question.

One, two, three, days go by, no answer, so I relax knowing, all is well. After three days I look on Craigslist and it is gone! No longer listed I said, "All is well, it was not meant to be mine. After all it was a good price. I do hope whoever bought it enjoys it."

Then a couple of days later, I'm out in Springfield, MA on business, having lunch at an India Restaurant while watching Korean cake decorating videos on my phone, and I get one text. All it read was [$250.00]

Quickly I look at number and it was the original number of the antique cherry cabinet electric fireplace I wanted!  What! I gave up on that! I text him 5 days ago with no response and here it was...

I replied, "Sold! Thank you when can I pick it up?" "This weekend will do fine after 4 pm."

A new acquaintance, a woman I know that has her own transport and delivery business came to mind, I called her and she offered to do the transport for less than the rental truck and I hired her immediately. We went down that Saturday and I asked Dan, the seller, it was in Craigslist for $400 and then it disappeared, I thought you sold it already. Dan said, "I told my guy to put it in at $250. I wanted to move it out of here. Its been on Craigslist many times over the last two years for $400. I have a guy who lists things in Craigslist for me from my antique and flea market shop, he made a mistake, I did not want it in there for $400."

My luck! I fell into a tub of butter and got my realistic electric fire for the price I wanted, and a little less with the friend's transport!  After many decades of living this life, I have learned when it comes to material things, these simply are not worth stressing over, either you get them or something just as functional and in time, life falls into place. Just roll with it, be very patient, be well, all will work itself out in time or not. Either way, I will be fine and life will be good because I choose it to be so.

Thankful to chillax and know the universe has always had my back and always will, I just need to roll with it.  No need to stress and worry anymore. PS Now Sweetheart will NOT use this in the studio room he is taping and sanding. He does not want to get dust in the beautiful electric heater.  He is using an ugly metal heater for this. 😁 Oh well...

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