Monday, February 25, 2019

What Do You Think In Any Given Situation Reveals Who You Think You Are

To start let's just take an example:  You are invited to a staff meeting at work that does not usually include you.  What does your mind say? 1) Oh finally, I'm getting that promotion I deserve. 2) Oh cripes! I hope they are not firing me.  3)  Wow, maybe we are getting some new directives that will help us all work more efficiently.

Or you are invited to a friend's birthday party you get there and your friend sees you but does not look at you. What does your mind say? 1) Who do they think they are, they invited me not the other way around? 2) What did I do to deserve the cold shoulder? 3) Oh, maybe my friend just received some bad news, or is distracted for a reason I don't know.

We get so much information from our OWN thoughts when we don't have all the details from the situation that send us in directions of own self evaluations.

The three answers of thought given here are self explanatory.  What if we chose to always think the best of benign situations when actions of malevolence are not detected yet?

Webster Dictionary:
Malevolent: act of showing evil intent.

If you choose number 1) as your answer, you are full of yourself, better bring it down a notch.
If you choose 2) as your answer, you think too little of yourself, better bring it up a notch.
If you choose 3) as your answer, you have a healthy, normal, self image. One that not only is patient and understanding but wants to help others.

If life has given you the abundance of it, you may want to share this with others.  If you have experienced patient understanding from loved ones in your life, especially in childhood, you will share this with others in your adult life.

Remember the blueprint of your life started in the first seven years of it.  After that it was re-enforced until you became an adult or were old enough to leave that environment. Now, if you like yourself, stay that way.

If you don't, change yourself.  It will not be easy but it can be done.

I neither came from abundance or patient kindness. As an adult I internalized this and hated myself, and considered suicide many times but I came to know this was wrong. How? I became friends with some really outstanding, kind, men and women like none I had ever met in my relatives or childhood.

Because I knew these wonderful people well, I knew they were human and made mistakes just like me, just like my relatives, yet they found a way to rise above the misfortunes and their mistakes to become kind, healthy, wealthy, and wise.  I wanted to learn what my relatives and church could not teach, how to rise above the misfortunes of my life.  Jesus cannot do this. 

It takes more than a belief in any higher power to get you on the road to long lasting inner peace, it takes more than fame, more than fortune, it takes more than comfort, it takes the hardest work you have ever done to get there and stay there.  But if you choose this mission, to not continue living in a world of materialistic desires and wants that include, hates and prejudices, you must go deep.

Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie have made the journey and the peace and sound mind they speak of is available to us all but we must want it.  There are many roads to get here, but these are the simplest and easiest for me and I always want to leave a road map where I've been so others can follow if you choose.  It is your life, you choose, I will work to be patient and kind with myself so I can do the same for you. You choose how you get what you want out of this life and I will choose mine.

This I know for sure: There are many ways to the top of any mountain. The mountain I'm climbing is called, "Self Awareness." There I find kindness for others and inner peace. Namaste.

Image result for eckhart tolle quotes road to self awareness

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