Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sisters Having a Sister Code Like Men Have Bro Code... Can This Ever Be?

If women are the moral backbone of society, (As I was told by my American mother) and so much is expected of women...why do some women when discussing a solution to a problem shun another woman when she has a different opinion of how to handle a situation?

We see the downfall of male egos that oppose one another to the point of wars that have ensued throughout history.  You'd think women would lead by example of communication and understanding, but women do not. Sometimes I think women are fighting a war here in America that does not exist legally for women anymore, at least not here with our US Constitution and amendments. The battleground is in the mind, where did I first read this? I wonder...

Why are some women pretending they are better than every other women because they are more educated, prettier,  have more money, or come from a "Blue" bloodline?  FYI: There is no such thing as "Blue" blood or "chosen people" that are more important than any other people. These are human made divisions and prejudices to elevate an ego.

We need no elevation when we finally know, we are one.

How about we women, don't just cut one another off on social media or conversation because of a different viewpoint?  I'm speaking in particular about social media personalities that pose questions and answers to their audience.

When someone gives a presentation and then asks you: to share a similar incident you had an "aha" moment, this person is directing you to say what they want to hear from you that validates what they just revealed to you in their spill...

...but sometimes I disagree with the spill and I say so. 

This has got me kicked off more female Facebook group pages than I can say, and it makes me see their true motives.  They are right and I am wrong.

Clicks, tribes ... a high school way to exist, evidently is alive in the adult world of women empowerment online programs and books.  I recently disagreed with another woman author's presentation of her answer to why she wrote her new book. She was giving a 4 part series presentation to sell her book to her audience. She asked for comments after each presentation...

I disagreed with "her" on some of her rationales and thought I don't need to voice my opinion but she she wants feedback, I want to support her wishes, so I wrote my dissent. My dissent was that she insists the "only" way to deal with this problem was "one way, her way" and that everyone will see this when they read her book. Her "way" came with references to a renowned female doctor or "expert" that has studied this problem personality for years... so it must be the answer for all of us too.

I knew the problem and knew another way to handle it, I have lived through it too. Mine was achieved through my own critical thinking skills and taking a different tack that worked for me.

I am not so "egotistically, lovingly" motivated to think I have the answer for everyone. 

Women do not need another woman, another man, another politician, another religion, another government dictating what she needs to do, including what she needs to wear, or how she needs to act.  The woman has a brain and can make these decisions herself.  Supporting her decision with calm objection, is the best way to help her believe in herself. Let her have the last word.

"Differing opinions need to be discussed calmly to find common ground and mutual respect for one another if we are to unite and live together in peace." ~  You can tweet this~ 

Back to my disagreeing comment and punishment, the next day I was blocked from 4 other of this author's female friends' Facebook pages.  I knew they were connected that's how I found each of them in the beginning. I knew I was blocked because I no longer got any of their Facebook feeds the very next day.

If I was hitting home runs at a ballpark I would be given the "Most Valuable Player of the Year Award" 4 birds disconnected with one comment.

Every woman has a mind and can make her own decision and I prefer an author that encourages others to think and decide for self. (Instead of listening to a so called "expert" because she has a PhD and has done multiple studies that prove her point.)  Listen to your heart, what do you believe is the best avenue for you to take for your own safety and the safety of your children's future?  Choose that.

And of these "professional successful" women there are painful divorces and the frustration now to find the "perfect man."  The couples I see in this group of females that are married, (I watch their videos,) the female definitely has the upper hand, and the men are happily following along.

"The perfect man does not exist neither does the perfect woman."~ There's another tweet for you.

Hey, it works for those people, so who am to judge "them"?  My judgement is their upper hand control as seen on video and in writing would not work in all male/female relationships, it would not work in mine.

I also notice these successful businesswomen that blocked me from their private Facebook groups don't mind sending me advertisement after advertisement to my email to buy their next product or book. They want money and will take it from me with no hesitation.

Oh no, I'm the black sheep again, darn it...😜

Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie is a relief to me from such confusion.  To learn to agree to disagree with kindness, to put down all thoughts of greatness because of degrees, fame, and fortune, as my self worth and dive deeper into my psyche to find "I am enough" is worth everything to me now.

That's my Sister Code, dig deep, live free, as I respect myself I respect others.

So writing my own book, maybe, just maybe, I'll meet these American women authors one day, maybe not.  One thing I know, I bought a book or online program from all of them and saw some good information in each of them.  Thanks ladies!

I would have liked to follow them on their Facebook adventures but that is not to be.

These women are wonderful people with good hearts and I'm sure they help many people like them. I believe my book will help many women like me that are tired of being told what to do, and are quite independent and disagreeable. 😀

The world needs a "Sister" code, this includes listening to other opinions, and try to understand another viewpoint, it would help to unite all men and women in the world.

Calling all women in America!  We can still agree to disagree without cutting others off because of an differing opinion. There is more than one way to the top of every mountain. Sister code!

Image result for when will women unite

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