Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Its taking Me A Lifetime to Understand This, You Don't Have to Wait That long...

Some things you don't need to understand but if you truly try and I mean militantly try to examine everything you "Say about yourself out loud and say to yourself in your head" you may find that 95% of it is not good.

So for the next month, do not say anything out loud that in any way makes you seem weak or out of control of your life. Instead magnify the positives and I'm not talking about narcissistic bragging.

Thankful to know the difference between genuine self love and egotistical narcissistic braggart words that is really self hatred. One is good and the other is not good. Namaste.

Some amazing things will change in your life and relationships.   Try it, wait 30 days and report back.

Image result for ruth fishel quotes

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