Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lake George Jazz Festival, Yankee Stadium, Life is Good

Once again as I go with the flow I get unexpected surprises and gifts.  I am not a fan of Jazz Music but my Sweetheart loves it and so most times when he wants to go to a jazz club or concert I will go. The Jazz Festival in Lake George was his interest and we went with two of our kids.  He enjoyed this so much, I spent the time talking with my daughter and getting take out dinner for us all from the Lake George Beach Club restaurant, so we could picnic on the lawn while we listened.

Then one band, Weather Report caught my ear, I actually liked this jazz music.  My Sweetheart told me the violinist traveled with "Yanni" for 12 years. What?  He is one of my absolute favorites and the first time I heard that violin solo it made me so happy to hear such talent plating such beautiful sound, I teared up. That was her, on stage at a free concert in Shepard's Park!  I ran down to the stage and danced on the side of the stage while applauding her loudly! At the end of the song she politely turned towards me and bowed her head with a smile to me. That talented and humble too?  It was a moment to remember for me forever.  I went back stage and got their picture and an autograph of the lead male singer. Actually I did not ask for it but he wanted to sign a CD for me, so I bought the CD and let him. Performers...

The I reluctantly went to the new Yankee Stadium to see a game with the family and surprisingly liked it! Why? No one spit beer on me, the crowd was much, much, calmer and many were a very nice crowd.  I stopped going to Yankee Stadium about 18 years ago. My last game was on September 10, 2001. I vowed never to go again to be in such unruly company, I detest having spit and cursing around me.

Thankfully NY won over Boston Red Sox 3 to 2. The last double out was worth seeing, and the crowd did yell, "Boston Su*ks! And of course as a die hard Yankee fan, I can forgive that. 😉

Image result for yankees win 3 to 2 over red sox september 18, 2018

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