Saturday, September 8, 2018

They Ate My Garden! The Deer Little Things!

Sweetheart worked preparing and planting a garden for us this year only to have the deer eat everything in it, so disappointing. We managed to salvage a few squash and looked forward to some pumpkins.  Then the deer went in and ate the pumpkins, tomato plants, eggplants, cantaloupe, and the corn, overnight, are you kidding? Vegetables that the deer do not normally eat were all eaten overnight.

It was as if the deer stumbled upon the garden by accident and invited all their friends for an overnight  buffet.  Everything was gone by morning. Senior was not happy.

Then a couple of weeks later a doe and her three fauns appear by the garden in the early morning.  Senior watched as the fauns frolicked and played, kicked up their heels and jumped over each other with their mother nearby feeding in the field.  It gave him such joy to watch them all together he pointed them out to me to see them frolicking, it was cute to watch, he said, "I'm glad I could feed them."

Next year he plans to build a fence.

Thankful to see the deer having fun being free in the yard. Makes them "endearing" to the heart.

Image result for mother doe with three fauns

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