Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My Prayer to God as Each Child was Born

At some point your children fly.  With or without you they fly.  You are no longer needed and they let go of you. And I think, this is the way it should be no matter what the why is.  As a parent we both encouraged our children to go their own way. And if that way does not include us, it is well.

Seems like relationships are no more than what they actually are, short term, long term, temporary, but permanent seems to come only through a partner relationship in life if you choose to have one., and if you choose to be there a lifetime with that partner, come what may. And here is the basics of men and women, both like each other if both fulfil a fantasy role of what the other should play, but when the role of the other is not played to the fantasy you envision it is easy to hold the other in contempt. If this contemptible view is focused upon more than the good in the other, the relationship may end.

Men cannot be all things to any woman and neither can any woman be all things to any man.  My thought is if both of you are complete in yourself, the other will not let you down.

So if parents are complete with knowing the children are free to go, that life goes on even without children around, it is easier to let them go.  You think about them no doubt, but you surrender to their freedom, you have to, you have no choice.

My prayer to God was two things as each was born, 1) Let me be a kind memory to each of them in their old age and 2) help me to let go of them so they can fly.  Number one can only be known to them after my death, and the latter is one I deal with daily.  Surrender to what is and be thankful they are living life on their terms with or without us.

Thankful to have free spirited children, they, like us, went their own way.

Image result for surrender to what is

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