Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Belief is Not Faith, Faith Comes With Evidence

When you believe, it is not proof that it is true. We may wish it were true, we may want it to be true, but only through repetition can you make yourself accept a belief that is not proven. 

Many things all of us "believe" about our self as adults, we learned in childhood, how we were treated, respected and taught. We learned through what we "saw" adults do. We learned through stories we were "told" as a child.  This applies to every thing we think and judge. These are beliefs.

Faith is actually knowing without doubt that something is real. As we grow older and experience life we see some of these beliefs are false.  So we change our beliefs and take actions in this new direction because we have FAITH, we KNOW what works, the old thought did not.

Actually seeing and knowing something is FAITH, faith removes doubt.

Strange how much we take for granted to be true when it is not. I was taught God condemned homosexuality, so I just took that for granted because I had never had an occasion to challenge that belief until I had a really good friend that I loved for a long time. He dated my girlfriends, but one day he told me he was gay.  I loved him so much that I could not think of any reason not to continue.

If I could love a homosexual why could God not love a homosexual?  The logical answer is God does love homosexuals, because I am not greater than God. I loved my friend. I also believed God's love is greater than my love, God must love homosexuals too, this made sense to me. I have not seen God.

You can change your perspective to know (FAITH) that everything happens to help you use your mind to make decisions to go in another direction if you need to, the right direction for you. You begin to have FAITH in yourself when your life comes into focus and you have less anxiety.

Another really BIG discovery in the learning to live life, I have learned you must set boundaries for yourself to prevent others from harming you. You have to do this, bad things happen and you must learn to navigate yourself to safety no matter what happens. You cannot let emotions overcome your senses. When you let emotions steer your actions and words, the outcome will be disastrous for all, especially you.  This is the greatest challenge of "Empaths."  Too much emotion causes more damage.

When you KNOW how to control your emotions and respond with positive actions then move. Otherwise remain still, quiet, until you have silence inside your mind, then you will know what to do.  You are not a victim, you are not angry, you have no need to control what others say or do, you control yourself.  Then fear subsides, it has to, when you have FAITH in you.

Silence in your head, brings new fresh and powerful solutions to you. This is why I mediate to stop my mind from thinking every minute. When I make space for thought, better ideas come.

I found, I was enough.

Image result for byron katie stop thinking so much

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